30 Dec 2007 Question

Q33: New Year vow?

Question 33:
“Do you wish to make a vow for the coming year?
This is an invitation for you to make it here. You can either share what your vow is, or simply mention that you made one without saying it if you prefer.

To post your answer, click on ‘Add Comment’.

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  1. This is my vow: Every Morning, the moment I wake up, I will first hold God clearly, fully in the moment of waking and let the personality clothe the pure as it has done every day of every life.
    And stop the reacting in the mind when something comes to me in the moment. Stopping lip service (talking) is clearly not enough. The last battle ground is the mind’s hold.

  2. In every moment I share, I wish to think of AMMA.
    In every single oppurtunity I wish to serve AMMA.
    Every week I wish to tell AMMA, count of JAPA & detail vows of silence.
    Every day and night I wish to pass with AMMA’s fond remembrance …
    Every month at least once, I wish to meditate near AMMA.
    At the end of year, I wish to near the heart of Inner AMMA.

  3. At the very first opportunity I would like to meet AMMA in person.
    I would like to vow in her presence that every Morning, the moment I wake up, I will first hold God clearly, Stop the reacting in the mind when something comes to me in the moment. Correct, stopping lip service (talking) is clearly not enough; the last battle ground is the mind’s hold.

  4. My New Year vow is to make improvement in my mental and physical health and my personal well being, and to be more helpful and kind towards those in need.
    My desire for the New Year would be to see Amma again soon!

  5. my New Year vow would be that i would do my duties at the correct time and be trutful to amma. i would try helping at least few hungry children and elderly people.

  6. become like Amma ,

  7. Every moment to see Amma, look at her Eyes, watch her smile, touch her soft fingers, place a flower at her Lotus feet, hear her whisper, her singing, her walk, her dance, her hair that dances in wind, the sparkling of her nose ring…
    Just ….. be with her all the time……

  8. let every second be a new year and make all living beings remain happy and prosperous.

  9. For the New Year my vows are:
    Love Amma with all my heart, help as much people as possible, bring Amma to their heart,and wake up God’s feelings in them, live with the necessary.
    Go to satsangs on Saturday, and pray with all my heart that Amma keeps my mind clean and make me know God.

  10. Praying Amma to keep peace and happiness in my heart, on my family, on our planet and in the whole world.

  11. I would pray to Amma to light the darkness of this mind and fill me with love and compassion towards everyone.

  12. To remember Amma’s teachings continuously. Become able to love everybody.

  13. wow, this is a time to think. i know i have a lot to improve on. i know i need to study harder in school, control my anger, think of Amma all the time, and so much more. i guess i just need to simply remember that Amma is always there and loves me no matter what.
    i need to do my part to become a better person. my main vow is to study harder, knowing that i have planned quite a future ahead of me. do well in school, go to Amma’s medical school, and go to Stanford university is California. i want to live with Amma!!!!

  14. This New year’s vow for me is to be careful and not waste food and other resources as much as possible. I hope to be aware of the day-to-day needs and use what is needed without wasting too much.

  15. i was very confused about how to be humble. and i got the answer from AMMA “the language of humility is love”…so i want to be humble . Praying to AMMA to make me humble

  16. Amma always reminds Her children to express their latent divine qualities like compassion, non-violence in word, action and deed, truthfulness, courage, forgiveness, even if others behave wrongly with them. I pray to Amma in this new year, to help me express those qualities without bothering to see how others act towards me.

  17. This is my prayer: please God let me be in a state where I need nothing… not even from you….the state which Amma refers to as ‘Sakshi Bhava’… the witness state….

  18. To deeply feel Amma’s presence in my heart, in my mind, in my actions, and in everything around, all the time. And that my every breath becomes living with Amma.

    I pray to Amma to give me strength and understanding to succeed.

  19. Praying for Amma’s grace as always…

  20. May I see God in everyone, and have the utmost humility to Him.

  21. At dawn, to start the day with rememberance of AMMA. To thank her for every little grace that I receive. To remember AMMA whenever I eat and with every breath.

  22. To chant my mantra more and to be grateful for everything that happens during the day. To be more watchful regarding every word I speak – is it necessary and would Amma be pleased with it? To go through the day with my spine as straight as possible. And more….

  23. Another year rings out…….a fresh whiff of life breezes in…..may all my days begin with you……Amma….i wish all my thoughts would flow to you…i wish all my dreams be woven in supreme devotion to you………i wish all my words be filled nectar of ur love…and i wish you would be with me always, just as it always has been…..

  24. Yes i have already done a vow in this new year. “How much my beloved hate me 100 folds more i will love my beloved. And make it difficult for my beloved to breath from my unconditional love.

  25. I am trying this year to “allow the Guru”. Let Amma do on/with me what She needs to do. It is not always clear how I should get out of Her way. But sometimes I am able to see what Amma is doing and I try to see how I am reacting to it. Then I try to move out of the way.

  26. no new resolution i have made since i was a child has seen its fulfilment so now my prayer is that Amma does what She thinks best for me.. happy or painful i will be able to tell myself it is Amma working on me and smile.. 🙂

  27. Just float through until times are good

  28. I pray to Amma to give me strength.I need to do my part and Amma is always there to take care.

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