Question 101:
“Looking back at the year 2008, to what extent do you feel that you used it positively to move forward on your spiritual path?”
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  1. That’s truly a very important inquiry to look back and step forward. Her grace could always be felt holding on whenever needed. Of course, major rectifications are yet to be done with respect to the habits of food and sleep. Learning and tottering the best to start walking off on the Razor’s edge.

  2. I met Amma for the first time, it was amazing. After meeting Her I finally committed to a proper disciplined meditation practice. So a lot has been gained in 2008, and I hope to accomplish even more in 2009.

  3. Looking back at the year 2008,amma gave me a lot of opportunities to move forward in every ways. greatly thankful for her for this…
    even now while typing i can feel her overflowing grace and peace …
    from my side i developed new habits like getting up at 4:30 for sure , no matter what, and doing archana. this itself is a big leap for me and is helping me a lot. try this and see the difference.thanks to amma 🙂

  4. In 2008 I did the biggest spiritual positive step ever: I met Amma for the 1st time on Sept 2008, and this huge step already changed my whole life to the best. I am not the same anymore. I am always flying in Her graceful energy, looking forward to come back and live under Her bliss again.
    Thank you Amma for coming into my life and transforming it in such a wonderful way.

  5. Thirst for spiritual knowledge is undying.. the more i gain the more i yearn.. 2008 has been a wonderful year spiritually…Amma showed me the path to Supreme.. now i need to walk through that path..n 2008 has helped me keep a step forward.. i pray Amma to shower Her blessings on me and never ever allow me to turn back 🙂

  6. 2008 I am not sure anymore how to measure progress or not. however ever since Amma gave me a mantra in 2007 it has been ongoing with life transforming experiences; some good some quite hard but I will never look back. it’s like riding on a wild Lion ……

  7. I have so much to learn . I have done a little better than last year spiritually but i need to improve a lot to get anywhere…to be called a sadhak. Amma’s grace is always there. Thank you so much, Amma.

  8. i cant express…cant be measure also… its all her grace….

  9. I kept the routine meditation and prayers going. Recently, I have again picked up my communicating with Amma through writing. The rest of the work Amma does/did. She gave me some seva to help my progress. At times it felt like I was going backwards and I resisted instead of helping the process. But in the end I think I do see some changes in myself as a person – they happened without my realizing it. Everything I have known about spirituality or anything else seems open to question. The picture is too big for me to understand. I have to keep it very local – the routine prayers and seva.

  10. Year 2008 was the turning point of my life, Amma made me aware of myself and I turned inside. I bow to the lotus feet of my beloved AMMA.

  11. it’s difficult to judge exactly just what happened in 2008. maybe by 2012 i’ll be able to make sense of things. i think whatever needed to happen, happened. how it relates to my progress on the path, i have no idea.

  12. With Amma’s grace many positive changes happened in my life in 2008. Amma blessed me to be at peace with myself during the troubled times.
    I also learnt to forgive and love all in spite of their short comings. I pray Amma to bless me to gain more spiritually in 2009.

  13. It’s indeed a good year. Amma gave lot many opportunities learn lot of things………..I got introduced to yoga …….got an opportunity to be in Vivekananda Kendra…IAM…..and also made me understand that I knew nothing 🙂

  14. after 10 years when i first met amma in 1998, i got my mantra this year. thanks to Amma.

  15. Year 2008 was the turning point of my life in spiritual path. Amma made me to move positively in the spiritual path. I always want to bow to the lotus feet of my beloved AMMA and to be with AMMA. It gaves me all pleasure.

  16. Not much except some seva, some progrees on IAM and all Praying to AMMA For the coming year to be a better one. Yes 10 days of AMMAs presence in Amritapuri added a great value to my life. Trying to be with AMMA always by remembering Her by chanting AMMAS mantram. Trying not to miss any Satsang from Amrita Varsham and AMMAYODOPPAM from Amrita channel. A continous attendance at AMMA’s webpage gives a great effect.

  17. with amma’s grace i hav started living with myself from inside. .. alwaz in good as well as bad times it was “”AMMA “” who directed me ON the right path ,….pranaams to my mother n bow to ammas lotus feet. .. amit.

  18. 16 years since I met amma. Got mantra in 1992, chanting mantra continously transformed my life but turning point was the 11th of april 2006. How can a child not feel secure when Amma is holding his hand? In the year 2009 also i need to walk through the same spritual path. I pray Amma to give me more strength to do lots of service to others. and to continue my regular spiritual practice and more and more devotees should come for satsang in amma’s center here. I bow to the lotus feet of my beloved Amma 🙂

  19. A lot more to do! Received Amma’s grace and blessings from the regular Friday Satsangs we all have together throughout the year. Missing the satsangs was unbearable. Experienced and tasted the peace and tranquillity within, at times ,by Amma’s grace. Long to have such occasions permanently with Amma’s Love and Blessings in the days to come.

  20. In 2008 thanks to Ammas grace I did more seva of the heart than seva of the mind & body. There is a connection and inspiration between myself and everyone I see in the community daily. A deep sincere caring for the well being of strangers (instead of a thought to do good) as well has grown inside me this year. This leads me to doing daily random seva out of compassion of my heart. In 2007 I did scheduled seva only 7 or so days during the year. Now the blossom has spread open and daily aids others with little effort. Jai Amma!

  21. O yes, a fruitfull year indeed. I understand by now, that i will never ever ever understand the way of God showing me God. And i can accept it more and more! Accepting my handicap is such a relief. The best part is: that shows me i am so much more than i think i am! Yupie… Happy new year to all lovers of God or whatever you call that, which remains unchanged and forever stable. LOVE TO THE DIVINE MOTHER!!!

  22. 2008 has been for me an extremely important year. It has shown me all the flavors of my mind’s negativity that I am convinced of the next path to take in starting to clear it and hold on to Amma’s feet during this process. It culminated with amazing compassion from Her along with a spiritual lesson that I am now willing to walk on the spiritual path with more determination than I ever had before. Om Amriteswaryai Namah.

  23. 2008 is a very important year for me. 55th Birthday of my most beloved Amma. Since 20 years i met Amma, I used to introspect every feelings, actions and thoughts every night before going to sleep as well as the end of the year. But this year is very very charming and fasinating and important to me. Do you know why? My most beloved Lord accepted my humble offering at the lotus feet at the auspicious Muhurtham of the Tripadapuja of the 55th Birthday. So i can hope that my beloved Lord accepted the couple who were offered their heart at the Lotus feet. And other than this great benefit i hope i am still a innocent child of my most beloved Amma as begginer.

  24. Illusion stretched me out in all directions in the past and despite all my strives, I can’t say how long and how much I attained spirituality during 2008.

  25. it was very spritually used. did meditation courses, took vows of silence and an advanced yoga teacher training for 1 month. plus the daily spiritual practice ….
    but the important part is learning and still learning a lot about compassion and service especially that my mum is sick. trying to control the mind and its vassanas, trying to change the habitual negative thinking into new positive thinking. creating new habits of thinking. it’s not an easy task at all.

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