26 Mar 2008 Question

Q50: God Prefers?

Question 50:
“Do you think, or sometimes feel, that God’s love for some people is more than for you?”

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Join the conversation! 28 Comments

  1. God IS! God loves all of Creation Equally. God is waiting patiently for all of us to awaken!

  2. God loves everyone equally. The response from GOD depends upon the intensity of our call, prayer to him, so we feel that GOD differentiates.

  3. Not at all. God is the Same Consciousness in all, from living to even non-living things. He is present equally in all. so how can His love for some be more and some less. the difference is how much each human being accepts and loves God. some will love God unconditionally and depend on God for everything, while some may worship God only if something has to be got. nevertheless, God responds to both but where there is love God will come running. just like a mother having two children. one may call its mother often full of love while another may call only when it is hungry. the mother’s love is the same. similarly God responds according to each ones devotion. so God’s love is the same for all. it depends on the devotee’s yearning and love for God.

  4. I absolutely believe Amma (my God & Guru) loves everyone equally, but She often gives special moments and more time to some people because they are ready to receive Her Divine love. If I’m not receiving it, is because of my lack of devotion. Amma has already given me so much love, I feel strongly Her blessings flowing all the time in my life.

  5. God loves all equally.
    For why some people feel like God loves not equally, I came up with an example:
    It’s like a two way radio, or a walky-talky. God’s walky talky works just fine. He can hear our calls, and respond. Our walky talky however is faulty. It can send messages but it has trouble receiving His Messages! What our goal should be is to make our walky talkys be able to receive His Messages!!!

  6. God’s love is unbounded, unchanging and eternal. It knows no growth or diminition. God or the Guru is the embodiment of love. His infinite love is offered to all in equal measure. Some may feel that they had experienced God’s love for a time and had been deprived of it later. Moreover, some may think that God’s love for some people is more than for them. This reflects only their own feelings and not the attitude of the Lord. It is our own actions and thoughts, whether good or bad, which are reflected back to us like in a clean mirror. The Lord’s love remains the same always. Happiness and sorrow are products of the mind. Bliss is the true nature of man. Man has to strive for the welfare of all and see God in everything.

  7. Yes, of course we get jealous sometimes of other people’s long darshans…it is natural as humans to feel this. I believe though that Amma loves everyone the same, but there are times when one person may need Amma more than another and therefore she may spend more time with those people.
    Because of intense suffering, it is natural to think that maybe God loves others more than us….but it is only our egos and our limited minds thinking this.

  8. If god is love and god is all that exists the question would be more: Why are we not willing to see that which doesn’t allow us to open up to love, to god ? If we see it, we will be able to remove it! So i have realized. There is many many beings in us which are afraid of love. It’s a hidden rage against god, love, truth.

  9. And yes i think god loves me equally to anyone else. But i don’t love god equally in everyone. That is the problem!

  10. god seem to be partial to devathas vis a vis asuras. the churning of the ocean and the consequent distribution of amrit is an example.

  11. We studied that God loves all equally. God loves this child more than She does for others. Evidences are many. Despite the bad karmas of the past (in this janma) AMMA loves this child truly and showers Her unconditional Love and Grace in abundance. Most of the time the blessings (even though not deserved) rain. In this Amrita Varsham, AMMA makes everything possible…

  12. It’s never so. AMMA is the best example. Her Love is the same for all. Though She has to comfort the sick and mentally weak children more, Her Love is the same for all.
    AMMA Herself says, some children require the ICU care for their bodies and minds are not yet grown up for spiritual life.
    As the rays of the Sun fall equally on all objects of the world,
    Even so, the rays of AMMA’s graceful Love flows equally to every child.

  13. There are no others. There is only God. God is love and it is ego which sees the difference.

  14. No, We don’t think. AMMA says some people deposited and come, those enjoying their deposit. Sure we all got some deposit otherwise how can we reach AMMA!!!1

  15. Not at all. Godliness qualities cannot be expressed; one can only experience it. It’s evident that at any point of time I have seen Amma receives each and every one equally in parity; like sun.

  16. I trust Amma when She said we are all inside Her. God showers Her love upon everyone, but how much love we get depends on how open our hearts are. I dont have to earn God`s love , and all that happens to me is that love.

  17. I beleive Amma is connected to GOD 24/7/365. Amma has got a connection with God which is very strong and is making Her GOD. Amma knows this connection and is not dependent on any feedback. But mortal people like you and me need to feel this connection from GOD which we call love. So in my eyes, everyone is connected but some are more aware of this Love than others.The Love though is universal and equally present with one and all.

  18. Yeah… there is no question about it.. I know God Loves everyone else more than he/she loves me…
    and I know Everyone thinks like that… 🙂 Even If they say that God Loves Every one Equally…
    But Amma Loves me More than anybody Else… 😉 so I don’t care if God Loves me or not…


  20. Ofcourse. I feel this every time I see Amma each year, but I know she loves me dearly and loves us all equally. Amma loves me more than anything and loves everyone else too. She gives divine, equal love.

  21. Seeing God’s form on earth, Amma, I have come to realize that God loves everyone. There is no partiality. God is rays of love spreading evenly in all directions. Yet, Amma seems to favor – or, more correctly, makes a show of favoring – some. To figure out why Amma does that gets me into knots. I think, just like the seasons change, how Amma will show Her love to us will keep changing. She will ensure that we get promoted now and then, and that ultimately we graduate out of the school of hard knocks into Her gentle feet.

  22. God cannot prefer bcoz he has made all beings. Depending on each one’s maturity and acceptance, Amma is available to us. Amma also says that if you think that Amma loves some people more and some less, this thinking is wrong. Sometimes due to our ignorance, we may feel dejected but if we try a little to come out from our shell, we will see that Amma was holding our hand from the beginning. If we feel jealous, we should introspect – If the same person whom Amma is loving so much was our own family member, how happy we would feel! So, why feel bad if somebody else is having a good time with Amma. We should rather be enjoying the darshan of that person.

  23. I think God Loves. And there is equality and equaminity in God’s Love. But due to the variance in the nature of God’s children, God is like a Mother that finds some children easy to rock and other’s hard to hold.
    Because of ego, all kinds of false assessments rise and fall until by Her grace there is no more separation that allows the question to form.

  24. Yes, sad to say, I do feel this sometimes…but this is what happens when I see through the “lens” of my mind (ego) instead of my heart. Amma’s lessons in compassion teaches me to focus my sight more with love and for this I am thankful.

  25. God is love. God (Amma) loves us all the same. I used to feel this way before but not anymore. Amma has proven to me that She loves me so much and will not let me suffer alone. Even when one is going through difficult times, one has to stop and focus about the good that one can derive from that experience. Amma has taught me this in my personal life. Although I sometimes feel like Rama being banished to the forest, because I can no longer attend Satsangs or do seva like before; I know it is for my own good and spiritual growth. It’s because Amma loves me that I am experiencing these bad times so that I may learn and remember from them. Thank you Amma.

  26. When Amma says””The person who is able to love everyone equally is the one who loves Amma.” how can God(Amma)’s love for us be anything less than equal?

  27. Never ever! in fact everyday i feel so lucky to live in this knowledge that nobody just nobody loves me as much as my God, as much as my Amma!!!

  28. Amma (my God & Guru) loves everyone equally.God/Amma loves all of Creation Equally. God/Amma is waiting patiently for all of us to awaken!If any bodies have any doubt read the book”Awakan Children” .

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