Question 62:
“Would you agree to have internet fixed directly to your brain? Why?”

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  1. Well, I think, that there are very good chances that at some point this could be something that everyone will have to do just like using a mobile or the internet as we have it today. Then, myself and everyone else would do that. My only condition would be that I could turn the connection off whenever I want!!! But isn’t the mind already a sort of a permanent busy connection with continuous information processed?

  2. No I would not agree. I am happy with myself focused on my beloved AMMA. She is there to look after me, she is the one who is within me so where do I need to have other materialistic things. When divinity is with you, grace is with you at all times. AMMA I want to be always under your affectionate umbrella.

  3. are You kidding no way

  4. No, there will be frequent failure in server connection, and traffic jam also!!!!

  5. No, I only pray to AMMA to dissolve the limited mind, and merge it into the Universal Mind. That could be greater than the internet connection as it creates a connection to all brains and to AMMA Herself.

  6. Is this a joke?

  7. My own mind is crazy and add the internet to it? it’ll be a frenzy!!! Help Amma – fix my mind to your blessed world!

  8. yes!! in a way it is already like this, as we are all connected and communicating with each other without knowing it, it could wake us up.
    a new kind of internet brain to brain to be connected to the universal knowledge and to every one to feel the pleasures and pains of everybody and be more compassionate but with a good firewall and antivirus .

  9. Imagine having Amma fixed directly to our brain, giving satsang and continuously singing bhajans. Wouldn’t it be wonderful? Fixing our minds on Her, being one with Her, abiding in Her, realising Her alone as the Supreme Goal, we’ll reach a state from which there is no return. But internet is a bundle of images, messages, pictures which are highly potent and which enable men to see, think and hear a lot of things. From this moment, control of the body, the mind and the sense won’t be possible. Man’s aim is to reach a state of peace; What is needed is to regulate thoughts in the right manner; internet will not allow us to do so. Then, it’s not a good idea to have internet fixed directly to our brain.

  10. Internet fixed to my brain? This is a weird question. Whether i am fixed inside or outside, it is a fixation. But, I suppose if i was living in a time where this was the case i would do it. I don’t know; the idea is utterly weird.

  11. no way. my mind is too busy and wandering allready!!!

  12. Lets take this analogy, the internet is a collection of world’s knowledge right? Let say its universal knowledge, then as humans, we just tap into it when we need it for our own selfish purposes and after we get what we need, we leave (log off). But our true desire should be to be always be logged in into the universal knowledge, which means always have our minds logged into a personification of jnana (knowledge) like our beloved Amma. If this were to be the case, then yes, i would and pray that everyone else would have their brains, minds, hearts and entire beings fixed to the universal knowledge.

  13. Yes…. But only if that internet shows only one website i.e. AMMAs 🙂

  14. No. Personally, I think I would go insane. The internet can be so useful but addicting, but it’s not the most holy place on this planet. If it were in my brain, I would go crazy, constantly working and searching, never stopping.

  15. with AMMA….., helping users find what they need quickly and intuitively.
    She also refines their searches and quickly access the most pertinent and useful information.
    So i agree to have internet fixed directly to my brain and also let’s logging in to AMMA……as her beloved child.

  16. I agree. It is very Good. And connect the only sever to the Heart where AMMA resides and controls the user, webcasting Divine Love and Grace throughout.
    why? By this we will have clear discrimination. we can maintain uninterrupted connection with AMMA OR UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE thus we will be connected to the COSMIC WEB.

  17. no way!!!!
    internet usage can turn into such an addiction that you stop noticing the passage of time….
    as someone mentioned above, i too would prefer the option, if only ammachi is the server……:)

  18. If, I answer NO, then that means I do not use the internet anymore!
    For when we use the internet it is directly fixed in the brain.
    In fact when we use or seek anything external to us it becomes for a time fixed directly in the brain, until something else takes its place.
    However, I would only agree to have Amma’s grace or thoughts of Amma fixed directly in my brain as a personal choice. And please unhook the internet from a direct connection to my brain as soon as possible, Amma!

  19. As a teacher, i find that internet does help a lot. Although i don’t like having it in my brain constantly, i still find that it might have some very spiritually helpful implications. As a spiritualist and spiritual teacher, inspirational stories prove very useful when trying to make a spiritual point. The internet has many of these stories. So, when you’re teaching, it would be a very practical idea to have these stories on the top of your mind for quick access.

  20. Its possibly a burden for us.. as we have to spend time to correct the problems related to it frequently..
    Our thinking and the inner power may vanish subsequently…

  21. Ok if Amma weaves her web in my brain

  22. Yes!!! I will enjoy very much. Loggin and log out on the computer is a very long process. In my Brain there will only be one route is available. My Lord’s Route. So I am not afraid of the Traffic jam etc.

  23. No I would not agree. She is there to look after me, she is the one who is holding my hand and guiding me

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