Question 73:
“In 3 words: what is your definition for “Life”? Do you succeed in living in tune with this definition?”

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  1. Gift – Dharma – Destiny
    Life is a gift from the creature. Our duty is to live (and enjoy) it according to dharmic values and principles; fullfilling in this way our unique individual destiny, for the good of others.

  2. Supreme Infinite Brahman.

    Paramam Anantham Brahmarupam.

  3. a free MOVIE 🙂

  4. God, Dharma, Devotion.
    Everything is made and ruled by God, our duty is to live by Dharmic values, and follow His rules. Devotion to God, love for God, is neccesary for our spiritual advancement.


  6. Love, Compassion, Self-realization

  7. 🙂
    life is love

    Life becomes real when man comes to know Love. The meaning of life is in loving and being loved. Life is the effort of the Spirit to manifest itself in the outer world. When the wise nature predominates in man, life becomes spiritual, for the life in man is distinguished from the life in other beings by its intelligence. Intelligent Life is immortal life, life without suffering and torture. We understand the totality of Life to be the Great Universal Soul, which manifests itself throughout all of living nature.
    This Life, in fact, is the lot of man’s soul. This Life has no confusion, but constant activity. Divine life neither modifies nor changes.

  9. Amma Amma Amma
    No, I do not always succeed in living in tune with this defination. But I am trying.
    Some lines from Sacred Journey book: (page 75)
    “My heart offers all to you
    But my mind steals back to the wolrd.
    Wake me up from this crazy dream.”

  10. Awareness, Dharma & Sadhana, and with Amma’s Grace life has become a blessing with practical application of these three constantly increasing.

  11. “Om Namah Shivaya”, maybe not 3 words, but “your mantra” is also “life”. The mantra is the source of everything, it’s the beginning and the end. But why does the mind ignore the true source of life, as we know it, and engages in things that brings us further away from the truth? Amma guide us all to our true source, that alone is “life” and that alone is “Om Namah Shivaya”.

  12. IN AMMA’s LOVE 🙂

    Life is all about loving each and every creature unconditionally, without any expectations, as our beloved Amma does. I am putting all my efforts to follow through the instructions of Amma. As Amma says, life is an infinitesimal portion of total life and only through human life one can attain the supreme consciousness.

  14. Satyam Shivam Sundaram

  15. For me, “Life is a mystery to be lived and not a problem to be solved”.
    Every day is a new testing day and I believe it tests us with lots of different scenarios which Amma has carved for us. So just take life as it comes and enjoy it. That would give us more happiness.

  16. ~Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha~

  17. Ignorance, Confusion, Desire
    I am still in that current

  18. Faith-Surrender-Amma (Guru), everything is interlinked, although i am just in the process of following it in my life, but it is the truth of my life.

  19. Only this moment.
    This thought keeps coming to me these days. Maybe someday it will be my way of taking life.

  20. Life is episodes of journey.

  21. Love and Compassion
    Without this the waters of the planet cannot move freely and we cannot find our Self within…I’m still learning to “go with the flow.”

  22. Life is Endless journey.
    We are born and will die. Die and be born again. It is a continuous process and with the grace of mahatmas like amma, we can put an end to this process called life after life. I could know the real ‘purpose’ of Life only after meeting amma and i have just started my journey.

  23. With Amma’s grace
    Thanks God it is always so! I am not always aware of it, though. But I am trying, with Amma’s grace. I would also say “INCH’AMMA” (If Amma wills), if this fits with the three word requirement.

  24. Chance to undo
    I mean Life is the Mercy of the Lord for having been given a great and precious chance to undo whatsoever mistakes and to get rid of Births and Deaths. Hope we don’t add up to it and come back again. Praying for Amma’s help and blessings.

  25. Life – a journey towards eternal!!

  26. Asathoma Jyothir Gamayah (or) Mrithyorma Amritham Gamayah.
    Amma has said that human life is attained after going through countless births and deaths as other forms. Precious human life should be used to move from Untruth to Truth and Death to immortality. This is what Life means to me.

  27. Love. Amma. Devotion.
    I LOVE YOU AMMA. and even though sometimes I dont act like it, I love you my Divine Mother! Please show me that you are with me!

  28. Love, Happiness, Sacrifice = LHS (Left Hand Side)
    or, Repulsion, Hate, Snobbism = RHS (Right Hand Side)
    In one’s life there are two sides – Left and Right. If one chooses the LHS, he or she gets peace, whereas the RHS guarantees misery.

  29. Meaningless Without Amma

  30. Life? All that everyone wants to do is and we have to do is, to live and lead a sweet life. Filled with colors, rainbows, happiness, sweet surprises, and loads of love. LIfe is given to us by our beloved PARENTS, the amount of pain and difficult they took to raise us & fulfill our small small dreams are not rememberd sometimes by children, so try to remember them and give your best to your parents and I can tell you your life will be the best! Respect, love and give the maximum to your parents, accept their faults, mistakes & return only love and respect.

    Life is all about loving our parents all thru our lifetime & giving them our best & giving them our time, love, care & attention.

  31. Our living God is our parents itself & if we fail to realize this, we will have to bear alot of sufferings in life. Before we bow to God, we should bow to our parents, seek their blessings first. Then praise God. LIfe is beautiful & its our parents who brought us to this world with pain. So first thank them always.

  32. After reading the thoughts and amma’s teachings, we can understand the meaning of LIFE, and what we are supposed to do in this journey of life, its just spread only love and happiness to your loved ones and see they are well protected from bad omens and difficult people.

  33. It’s what happens. If I’m not living in tune with what is happening, well, THAT’s what’s happening. Life isn’t just butterflies and happy faces. To reject all the rest of it would not be living in tune with Life…unless we accept rejection of life as one of the many expressions of life.

  34. My three words would be successively: Dharma, Compassion, and Bliss. Succeeding in one will undoubtedly lead to the other. Doing your dharma implies doing it with compassion, and compassion eventually leads to bliss. Currently i’m trying to fulfill my personal dharma and love everyone equally.

  35. Life is Love…

  36. opportunity for self realization

  37. Stage Play and Actor

  38. Love, Compassion,Selfless service .

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