Question 83:
“In what mood are you today? Can you, for a moment, be a witness to it? What effect does witnessing bring?”
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  1. happy mood. witnessing made me feel like not being the body, like it’s just a passing phase

  2. my mood: “Amma..the days are passing very fastly without any fruit. I am not able to see Amma within me or outside. Each day I feel like appearing for big examination. Some times the fear of failure shakes me. Amma,I don’t know how to meditate or do sadhana. All I know that I want AMMA. If I would not attain my AMMA in this janma, then what is the use of this life? Amma.. enough is enough this loukika. me,save me,merge me within YOU…Amma…Amma…Amma…..”
    Witnessing this mood brings intense prema, bhakthi and separation. At the same time, I could understand my limitation and realize the necessity of Tapas to attain my goal.

  3. I did not practice being a witness today, but I have done this many times especially when I’m tense. I sit quietly and detach my awareness from the tension, to find the cause. It feels like watching a movie on myself. It always helped me in finding the cause of my tension, and would make me relaxed and peaceful. Its quite powerful in finding about oneself.

  4. Mood wavers as the thought patterns vary from moment to moment. Of course to be a witness to these thought waves is the greatest lesson one learns from the Great GURU like AMMA, who said, keep the mind just like a remote controller, be like a mirror and don’t store images like a camera.

  5. A happy sadness, or a longing. Witnessing it made tears come to my eyes, and a feeling of separation.

  6. I am in an alright mood, not happy or sad just alright. Being a witness to it, I realise I could be happier if I meditated or prayed. But I know its a phase, if I did my meditations, I could feel better.

  7. Amma has taught us to be a witness to our thought process. I am witnessing that I am happy because Amma’s birthday is only 3 days away and the coincidence is that my turning point of life also falls on 27th September. In this sense, I would become 1 year old. Whenever I witness feeling low I start singing AMMA’s bhajan or start chanting Lalitashashranam. I surrender to lotus feet of my beloved AMMA.

  8. I am sad today as I again missed my IAM meditation practice.
    When I tried to witness from far, I understood that it can be a better state of mind. If meditation takes place in the routine, this sadness usually disappears.
    When continuously chanting AMMAs Manthra or reading AMMA’s books, when remembering AMMA and trying to see Her within, the sad feeling disappears and is replaced with a bliss.

  9. I am in an okay mood, under control mood, witnessing it, I am asking myself, why can’t you be like this when something bad happens……… that there won’t be any problem.

  10. feeling of emptiness, lack of purpose.
    I stopped and as I am witnessing I see a deeper feeling of peace and joy.
    thanks for helping me realize!

  11. right now? Tensed….
    No. I am not able to Witness it in its totality. i just “feel” it that way.

  12. Right now only feeling sick, i really wonder how Amma transcends the bodily pain, from last 5 days i am running high fever and throat infection, i tried witnessing the pain in my throat, it’s pricking like a thorn, Alas failed!! Need to be patient & enthusiastic in spiritual life !!!

  13. Irritable, impatient, crabby, tense…go through cycles of feeling very calm and peaceful and aware of Amma within and phases like this where everything going on the outside disturbs my fragile inner peace….Witnessing takes a conscious effort and I find very hard to maintain, especially when children are being very demanding..but is very relaxing.

  14. I don’t know about my mood as i don’t judge myself as being in some mood except when i am extremely sad. Normally my effort throughout the day is to be with Amma, remember her and not feel happy or sad about the happenings around.
    I sometimes try to witness but most of the time get carried away by thoughts. However, if i love Amma, this is not so. It’s better to remember Amma with love than be strict with myself and witness, as sometimes it feels dry.

  15. I am in such happy mood i could dance and sing on the streets. I feel we are meant to be happy. I love it and i am attached to it… anyway today i am feeling freeeee! Thank you for asking!

  16. Feeling a bit nervous now because of a meeting with the director, but thinking of AMMAs jovial and smiling nature makes me a bit relaxed, am able to witness this because of the recent stay at ashram.

  17. Witnessing separates me from the feeling/mood I am going through and the thought that crosses is that “This too shall pass”. I am seeing the inner turmoil whenever an external event occurs. Like today there are many deadlines for me at work and the feeling is “When will I complete them and will the pressure never stop ?”. When I witness the emotion I feel a detachment and allow myself to let go for that moment and get a feeling of surrender that all I can do is my best to meet my deadlines, the rest I need to let go. So some semblance of peace is regained. I hope to do this more often!

  18. Ever since i embarked in spirituality, my mood swings became less severe. I am generally in a happy and peaceful state on the outside, but on the inside i’m still a rather raging storm. However, when i decide to witness my mood, i flip this reality, i can control my outer mood while my inner mood remains peaceful and unchanged.

  19. I remember, some where I read as Amma saying, when we follow our thoughts, we can bring those wagering thoughts to us back . Whenever I try this trick, the experience is vivid. Always, when I try to witness my thoughts and the feelings derived can not be put in to words.

  20. Happy mood, peaceful & relaxed.
    Its Xmas, i thought i would feel lonely tonite coz i am alone for the 1st time in my life on a Xmas eve, but in the contrary,,, a feeling of total fulfillment and bliss is totally filling me.
    What a blessing!

  21. Very very sad and disappointed mood. Because Amma might not be visiting Mumbai this year. But if Amma sometimes doesn’t come to our place, we can go to Amritapuri no? Amma’s doors are always open for her children!

  22. I am in a stable mood today. There were several challenges and crises and I didn’t lose my cool and wasn’t really affected. I feel Amma’s affection. There is a little fear that this is still not the permanent thing. I can watch my mood and feel that I can play with my mind right now.

  23. when I try to witness my thoughts and the experiences i had, Amma’s words and advice come. Witnessing these tears came to my eyes, and a feeling of separation…

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