Question 93:
“What is the quality that you value the most in others? why?”
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  1. If the person is Amma’s devotee or disciple, i value the quality of understanding others and being compassionate towards them, if they try to see Amma in all…..then i really love that sister or brother in Amma. Infact the quality of trying to imbibe Amma’s teachings.
    If the person is not a devotee of Amma, then i would value the quality of selflessness in that person. Even if he/she is a good friend, it’s valuable. They should be good human beings – that’s all.

  2. Selfless love, which is found abundant in AMMA’s children. Of course it the most powerful healing medicine.

  3. The qualities I value most in others are the positive qualities that I do not possess.

  4. genuine compassionate

  5. right behavior

  6. Non interference. Letting everyone else be.

  7. Amma has taught us to see self in everyone so inspite of finding qualities in others one has to be internally alert always.

  8. Generally we find three gunas (qualities) in every living being.Tamasic, Rajasic and Sattvic. The nature or behaviour of a living being is in accordance with the qualities which is predominent in them. Tamasic quality is laziness and inertia. Rajasic quality is very active. Sattvic quality is useful for the person and to others too.
    Mahatmas are beyond these three gunas. Amma has the quality to love all living beings unconditionaly. So I wish to give most value to this quality of unconditional Love.

  9. Respect of ourself & others. Respect the choices that we make even if some disagree, we accept them as they are. Liberty of choice, freedom.

  10. Philanthropy… Smile from the heart… Innocence… Humility… Devotion

  11. A smile no matter what! and Amma is always smiling under any situation. If you think about it, such a person must be so very compassionate and selfless.

  12. Selflessness and unconditional love. That way they would possess other qualities such as loyalty, trustworthy, respect and would be egoless as well.

  13. I truly wish to be a sincere devotee of Amma by imbibing her teachings in all the areas of my life. When I see these values in others I am happy. I have seen these values in others who have not met Amma. I have also witnessed harsh realities of illtreatment and unruly behaviour from pretending Amma devotees. I am sure that these people really tarnish the greatness of Amma because others are forced get a bad impression about Amma devotees. I sincerely aspire to see good values manifested in all who come to Amma.

  14. innocence, devotion, humility, dedication….yes of course i also appreciate a smile from the heart…i feel devotion precedes everything …that alone will bring other gunas together with it ….

  15. compassion, love, care, openness..

    but these are not the necessary requirement for being a good human being.. i believe every human being has the potential to be a Good person. and bad person too..

  16. Some people have a sense of oneness about everything. They treat everyone as equal and try to be fair. I like this quality but even more in people whose life is totally oneness. Everything they say, do, melds into one and so there is great harmony. Like Swamini Amma – if she speaks each syllable is like a poem of thoughtfulness and wisdom.

  17. Imbibing Amma’s teachings and really using them in day to day life. I have no one good quality that I favor over all others. If someone has any good qualities, then I respect those that they have.

  18. sincere compassion. . . the ability to truly see. . .feel. . .hear. . .and touch others. . .empathy. . . humility. . . gentleness. . .kindness. . .generosity. . . honor and respect. . .

  19. The quality i value most in others is pure love towards all beings and not to harm anyone in thoughts, words and action. If i see a person with a smile i too will be happy and forget my worries and pain and i remember God(AMMA).
    So that quality of keeping a smile, i value in others. Because this will keep others also happy.

  20. The qualities that intuite others to adopt and put into practice spiritual values and principles.

  21. According to me it is nothing but Selfless Service….The person who is having this quality will also have all good qualities like love, compassion, innocence etc. If selfless service is a ‘car’ then all other good qualities are like engine, tyres, steering etc (all together we will call as car).
    My humble pranams to all great human beings who are doing selfless services.

  22. I believe that each and every human being possesses all qualities within, positive and negative. If one identifies with a quality, it means that he/she already activated and experienced it. The quality I value in others is Selfless Seva. Only those with pure and untainted hearts can do that.

  23. love,love ,nothing else. The affectionate behaviour.

  24. Their ability to do daily sadhanas and meditation despite their busy schedule as this is something I struggle with daily.

  25. I believe that each one has two qualities like two sides of the coin.
    Not to see bad qualities in others, always see good things. I value the qualities of doing seva without wasting a single moment, and serving others, with out expecting any thing from others. Give love love love and smile

  26. I value most in others are whenever they point out my negative and positive actions (Karma), whether it is true or false, then it is so easy to get notice on negative actions and start working on it to remove.

  27. i value each and every quality i lack.. as it is said.. the whole world is your teacher.. others hav been my source of inspiration to improve myself as well as in realising my drawbacks.

  28. Pure Love (real love – totally selfless, the same for all, i.e. not for just some)

  29. What i most like in others is openess and the ability to be humble without loosing dignity!

  30. Acceptance

  31. The quality I value most in others would be sincerity in lending a helping hand to those who need.

  32. I am really touched by the quality of giving in any form without any expectations and am inspired by any person who does this. The other important thing I admire most is the innocence of the mind that does not retain any negativity after any situation which arises from forgiving and forgetting.

  33. Honesty and genuineness,
    coz when we are genuine we are ourselves, no masks, no makeup, no lies, nothing but the truth.

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