Question 104:
“What is the musical instrument that you would dream/wish to master playing? Why?”
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  1. Myself! Air flows through me as it would go through a woodwind insturment. To master my breath would be amazing beneficial to my health and energy levels. I also sing as my body is an instrument that produces sound :-). Also my self as Amma’s instrument.

  2. Tabla. It is a profound instrument and the lady that plays with Amma inspires me so much to take it up. It’s the heart-beat of the bhajans and a way to devotion. It would be my dream to aspire to taking up tablas.

  3. Definitely the flute. It is the musical instrument Sri Krishna use to charm the worlds 😀 Soothe the mind & heart.

  4. Flute and Veena, the melody that runs through the every cell of the body and enchants the entire creation.

  5. My voice so I can sing with Amma 🙂


  7. The “Veena”, which is the musical instrument of my Amma, the Godess of Wisdom. Listening to this music is so serene and soothing at any time.

  8. The musical instrument is my breathe, I would like to play AMMA each and every time I breathe

  9. The piano. I used to love hearing people palying the piano as a child, but i never got the opportunity to learn it. Instead i learned some flute for a short while. Its also very beathiful. Anyway isnt the highest instrument ones body? Is it through this body that god can play his /her Lovesong.

  10. I wish i could play violin because the sound from it is exactly that of our heart

  11. My voice so I could sing better.

  12. I think guitar and sitar. i want to sing bhajans of Amma with these instruments.

  13. I would love to have a beautiful voice as to chant praise to our beloved Mother.

  14. Harmonium
    And Sing AMMAs Bhajan while playing harmonium…
    Why? Because Harmonium is the first instrument among the inevitable
    instruments for Bhajans. Through Bhajan we can see AMMA as in meditation. Especially in this yuga, Bhajans have a great importance.
    Through Bhajans AMMA transforms many people all over the world.

  15. Flute is a sweet musical instrment made up of a hollow bamboo stick… It has 7+2 holes in its body, representing saptaswaras + Paramatma and jeevatma. When this hollowed bamboo stick is in contact or touch with Holy lips of Paramatma, the great sweet Nadabhrama will come out through the holes and all the jeevatmas will be attracted and at last merge in the Ultimate Truth. This is what happened in Vridavan in Dwapara yuga (Krishna) and now happening in Amritapuri.
    The body of a human is also like a flute. It also has 9 holes in its body, but the only difference is that it is not hollow. Filled with so many negative tendencies like kama, krodha, mada, matsarya,r aga, Dvesha etc. If we remove all this and make it hollow and with effort try to contact and touch with Lips of Paramatma it can also produce a sweet and melodious Nadabhrama from this body. So I like to master playing the flute of this body with contact of my Lord’s presence.

  16. thankamaniR put it so beautiful! Yes it would be great if this body also gets rid of all the vasanas and always stay in the bliss of amma. And I think anything related to music would help us to reach paramatman. Singing, flute, tabla, violin, veena would be my interests.

  17. Tabala….
    the way in which the vibrations are coming from it is really interesting….
    And of course Flute….. Krishna’s favourite…. the music which calms us… some coolness to our mind….

  18. I do play the Piano, but would have loved to play Violin coz i think it gives the most emotional and sentimental music that perfectly vibrates with love’s sound…

  19. Ever since I have heard Amma’s bhajans I have started wanting to learn the keyboard/harmonium. Also I heard a great bhajan on the mouth organ and would love to learn that song in that instrument. Last but not the least I love to sing using vocal chords :-).

  20. a keyboard or a harmonium…. 🙂

  21. I would like to play violin. It makes me look into myself, to realize we are alone – not lonely & that god is the only truth.

  22. well…. i play the violin, but I would love to be a prodigy at it, just like my violin teacher! :):):)

  23. i would like to play the synthesizer and tabla because their music touches the heart

  24. if I get a chance…ammme…please help me learn violin….
    onething I always think about musical instruments is that, it is the godliness of those instruments….I wonder when will man understand the abstractness of the music? purely the highest of its construality!!!

  25. I like to play Tabla. I have tried learning , but it did not work out well. I pray to Amma to send me a good tabla teacher.
    I need Amma’s blessings to play tabla well, so that my dream comes true.

  26. i’m in love with a wonderful instrument called “cajon” right now.
    i have 2 of them.
    it’s a wood box that has 2 sounds: a snare and a bass. just like a drum kit.
    and you can enlarge your cajon with some more “special” cajons, that sound deeper (bass cajons) or higher. you can even play with shakers on you feet and hands while playing on your cajon which gives you more beat, and also with a high-hat, just like on a drum kit etc..; well there is no end for you imagination 🙂

  27. would like to learn harmonium.
    used to play piano for several years.

  28. I would love to learn the tabla and or drums. I just love the vibrations they provide; also the harmonium and be able to play it during Satsungs.

  29. Playing the Harmonium.Its my dream becoz my voice is not good for singing bajans .I enjoy it while Ramkrishna swamiji plays during bajan with Amma.I wish Amma should teach me .Amma saranam

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