31 Jan 2009 Question

Q107: God and evil?

Question 107:
“How could God conquer evil if he has so much compassion and always forgives?”
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  1. very good question ! god has so much compassion and always forgives but he has sharp discrimination and he will try to change the evil into goodness by his love (just like AMMA is doing). even then if someone does not change like Kamsa, god had his way which everybody knows. in the end, Kamsa was liberated.

  2. We must remember what Blessed Amma says…
    The Evil Devil is our own creation and has nothing to do with God.
    Peace on Earth is possible only when all men and women stand together with Hearts united in Pure Love and Harmony.
    It is up to us, not God.
    God is sitting quietly within our Heats waiting for us to come home.
    Thank you Blessed Amma my Guru.

  3. God is all powerful, all loving, beyong human’s imagination. God would melt evil’s heart, awakening the evil’s good potential, and evil would repend & surrender. Good always win over bad.
    I trust God to lead us to our full, positive, potential by melting our ego like a piece of camphor burning at His Lotus Feet, at our Beloved Amma’s Holy Feet! I surrender to Her.

  4. Love conquers all kinds of evil.
    And as God is Love, everything will melt automatically in due time…

  5. evil causes suffering and god does not want us to suffer.

  6. When light overcomes darkness, is there a question of compassion? Ultimately God has to conquer good, as well as evil, because God is beyond all qualities.

  7. God forgives but when it comes to wiping off the evil, nothing is spared.
    He is just and great …

  8. We were born to be free. Free to choose between GOD/GOOD and Evil.
    If we surrender to GOD and let Him grow in us, we’d become like Him GOOD, which means that we’d be more compassionate. Compassion comes from latin. “Com” means “with”. “Passion” means “pain, to suffer”. To be able “to suffer with” others is to be able to integrate the Holy LOVE that GOD blessed us with. Evil does not include Love, does not include “others”… Therefore, Evil is Ego. In commitment, in Sadhana, we let GOD/GOOD live and expand in our hearts… This is what Amma’s DARSHAN taught me…

  9. God is omnipotent he can do everything.but this will leave men without free will.
    good and bad are both creation and part of God.it His plan,God gives men freedom to choose between good and bad.it is only through evil that men can know good.
    therefore good and bad are relative.God has nothing to conquer.it is men who need to conquer himself and evil by chosing good.

  10. because All is part of God

  11. When we realize the compassion and love that Amma showers upon us the evilness inside us melts away. She forgives, and with so much of love and care accepts everyone in Her hands no matter how much callous the person is, and that leads to a tremendous change inside the person… all of us are familiar with the inner transformation in the presence of Amma…so this way God conquer evil with compassion and forgiveness

  12. I am the only one who is present in everyone so no question of good or evil. all are alike.

  13. God will never conquer evil or evil will ever conquer God. Both will exist as long as Existence exists….only the proportion may differ time to time..

  14. We can’t say that God conquered evil. Even the Putana, the female Demon with evil indention to kill krshna, put poison on her breast when breastfeeding him. But Krishna never killed her but liberated her. Same way Lord Rama liberated Ravana. So i conclude my opinion by saying that Bhagavan never conquers but forgives and blesses.

  15. Passion and forgiveness are exactly what is needed to conquer evil. As the saying goes “You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar”.

  16. God is beyond good & evil. He is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. Rama, the incarnation of God, after giving every opportunity to Ravana to change his heart, at the end killed the body, but forgave and embraced his soul out of compassion. Krishna killed the evil Kansa but embraced his soul and merged into His. Amma has several stories of compassion and forgiveness throughout her life and many of those miscreants even became her devotees. The Avatars time and again have proved compassion and forgiveness can conquer evil. So forgiveness and compassion are not weak but righteous acts to protect God’s creation. Evil appears to be strong, but its core intrinsic attribute is self-destructive. Evil flourishes by spreading itself and therefore love and forgiveness being the opposite attributes will weaken and conquer evil.

  17. ah well…evil is a creation of the ego…God’s compassion involves destruction of the ego, even if it means giving painful hits to the ego by means of the law of karma…Just as the mother may spank (within limits) her kids to protect them from greater mischief, God may occasionally compassionately thrash us too :). Of course, one can always expect God’s abundant love, forgiveness and solace whatever be the situation. It’s just that sometimes compassion comes in the form of roses and sometimes as thorns in life.

  18. How could GOD conquer evil with Compassion or Forgiveness?
    Let me ask you some other questions?
    How did Gandhiji conquer the British and liberated India?
    How did Martin Luther King liberate one section of people in America?
    It is all because of Compassion and Forgiveness. Compassion and Forgiveness are the most effective “weapons” to conquer evil.
    For GOD..it is a piece of cake…
    for us …it is a mountain since it is not sharp enough!!
    Amma please give us such powerful weapons in this World to be stronger than evil!

  19. I have asked this question numerous times to myself in the past few months. I have recently opted to move out of my 2 year long marriage because of my husband being abusive. Leaving was the most challenging and painful decision of my life because of our small baby.
    My husband may convince the whole world by pretending to be innocent, two entities he can never convince are me and God who has seen it all. I am sure amma will embrace my husband with open heart if she happens to see him. Being less strong than amma, I am trying to forgive, forget and move on with my life. By being compassionate and forgiving, God is setting an example for us human beings.

  20. There is only God, there is nothing to do.
    Just be…Om Amma…

  21. By forgiving and by compassion (passion/love with discrimination) God conquers every thing. … not only evil but every thing – all.
    ” … vinashaya cha dush-kritam sambhavami yuge yuge” says Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita

  22. PURE SWEET COMPASSION is so powerful that it will crush evil’s ego!!! 🙂

  23. God is beyond dualities. Evil is Ignorance for Him so when He shines his divine knowledge there is no duality and one can conquer evil and everything else.

  24. god gave us a free will, thats part of the game I think.
    maybe we’re abusing it…

  25. God is all powerful. We say God is with us, so we have to follow spiritual teaching. Like Amma says: “trying to forgive, forget and move on with life.” Love conquers all kinds of evil.

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