Question 109:
“What event in Amma’s early life would you have liked to be present at?”
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  1. When Amma started meeting Her 1st disciples & devotees, and be one of them. I think there’s a special relationship with Amma & those who follow Her since the begining of Her journey on this planet. The Krishna Bhavas would have been nice to see, especially the 1st Devi Bhava. But I do not envy the 1st disciples & devotees, I consider myself very lucky to know Amma, even if my path with Her started a couple of years ago, if I didn’t meet Amma before that’s because Amma planned it that way.

  2. AMMA’s whole life, each and every moment.
    Such is AMMA’s Divine Love Filled Life.

  3. Every time when Amma was beaten and mistreated, I would want to stand shoulder to shoulder to share the pain, and later when Amma and her disciples had no food and were hungry, I would want to be there to help in some way.

  4. in all of Amma’s moments of ecstacy and divine communion ..when Amma sang all night as a young child to God ..when Amma walked the roads singing to God ..when Amma worked day and night imagining She worked for God ..when Amma sat in meditation all night and day long ..when Amma overcame all Her difficulties through Her undaunted faith ..when Amma chased anyone who came with marriage proposals ..Amma’s first Krishna bhava and all the subsequent ones ..When Amma wrote Ananda Veethiyil ..when Amma merged with Devi ..just every single moment since Sudhamani grew to become our DARLING AMMA!!!!

  5. To see Her at birth when She looked into Her mother’s arms with such a benign and loving smile. And to see how She laid there in such a position as to not mistake it. Jai Ma! I’m glad that You’re here!

  6. All of it!

  7. i would have to agree with the other two who said “all of them.” amma was present in all of my life, right? it’s only fair…

  8. When She was in meditation on the beach after merging with the Divine Mother, just before hearing Her call to be the manifestation of the Mother. Imagine seeing somebody so lost to the world and fully intoxicated in the bliss of the Self. You would be seeing Her reach the goal of human life, before returning to give us the fruits.

  9. Every time when Amma was mistreated
    when Amma overcame all Her difficulties through Her undaunted faith when Amma merged with Devi every single moment.I consider myself very lucky to know Amma and follow her footsteps.

  10. i wish i were present wen Ammachi, in Her DEvi Bhava, cured Dattan, licking his open wounds…….”jihwaaleda maharogi bheebhatsa vranithathwache namah…”

  11. whenever Amma took some food or things from her house to give to Her poor neighbours, Amma’s parents would beat Her. i really wish i was present at that time to stop them from beating Amma and beat me instead.

  12. All the events. i wish i could see Amma as a small little girl – Kunju running around. When Mother became a child..

  13. Wish I were with Amma from day one endowed with the knowledge of who She is. In particular I would have wanted to be with Amma when Amma first manifested the Krishna Bhava and when turning plain water into Panchamritam.

  14. Every aspect of Amma and Her life is fascinating. I realize I am blessed just to have met Her. I am humbled by some of the postings here about wanting to bear some of Amma’s hardships. I think I would have loved to have the openness and strength to be with Amma when She was sent away from home and spent all Her time at the beach meditating and having nature as Her companion.

  15. It seems after reading several of Amma’s books that Amma formed the initial group of disciples exhibiting her spiritual strength to the fullest extent. The old bhajans were so deep and heart rendering. I sincerely wish that I should have met her in those days and be part of the initial group.

  16. Divine AMMA was there, is now and will be there. We are a part of hers so In every attire I am hers and she is mine

  17. Every aspect associated with Amma is Ati Madhuram (So sweet), so it is very difficult to say or mention a particular event.

  18. All. . .each and every day. . .i would have loved to have seen Amma when She was a baby. . . Her connection to animals. . . Her caring for the neighboors. . .Her love of music. . .Her love of the ocean. . . .and Her time of sadhana and the transformative phase between Krishna and Divine Mother Bhava. . .I would not have wanted to see Amma being abused as a child, for i would not been able to contain my anger.

  19. Each and every moment – whenever I read books, sing bhajans, watch video tapes I used to imagine myself being with Her and it gives me so much strength.

  20. I have always wished that I could just be alone with Amma, away from the crowds, just for a moment. No one rushing me away from Her.

  21. if it is true what some people said, to be there when she makes pudding of course 🙂

  22. When amma used to sing bhajans,and when she used to take some eatables from her home to give hungry people.and lot more.

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