28 Apr 2009 Question

Q116: Tea spill?

Question 116:
“You are about to enjoy your afternoon tea when someone hits you by mistake and the tea falls all over your shirt. 1- How would you normally react? 2- How should you ideally respond? ”
Please think well before you answer, and please make your answer brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines) and clear.

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  1. I would get upset initially due to a dislike of getting wet and soiled! But I would get over it after a few minutes and clean myself. Ideally one should not get any sense of negativity/judgement on anyone including oneself for a mistake. As for the dislike of soiling oneself, one should have the maturity to understand that these are all temporary things and can be easily rectified.

  2. 😀
    Let me narrate what happened tonight while i was dining. My friend, holding a plate full of food was standing next to me and we were chatting. A passerby accidentally bumped onto her and my friend’s plate, and all her rice, pickle and curry fell directly on me!!! poor me!! But, to my surprise i didnt react at all!! i washed everything off my shirt and pajamas, and even helped her to clean up the mess!!
    i guess i would do the same if tea spills!!
    “to err is human, to forgive is Divine”

  3. 1. Normally I would scream from surprise and then laugh. 2. Ideally I would laugh and the person and I would become great freinds 🙂

  4. I would look up angrily and even utter a few crude words. The anger will take sometime to subside because of the hot tea over my shirt and the need to change clothes.
    Ideally I should just smile and say it’s ok and make effort to change into fresh clothes soon. Never to feel any anger towards the person whether it has been by mistake or not.I pray to Amma to give me this attitude at all times.

  5. First I would scream Oh Its too hot and I have got burnt. Ideally we should not shout and think that our mind was wandering and was not centered so AMMA has done this to teach us to remain in one bhawa and dwetya.

  6. Normally with a none accepting look, then remember the saying: ‘don’t cry over the spilled milk’ and get cleaned up

  7. I would be very irritated and angry. Externally, I would perhaps diplomatically excuse the thing, but the irritation will linger on for another hour or so and reflect in all I do and say. The right thing possible for me at this stage is to later contemplate on how the little thing upset me so much and pray to Amma to make me better!

  8. I think i would laugh…this must be so embarrasing for the one spilling it over me, that i wouldnt make it worse geting upset.I dont think i would make a fuss over it. But one never knows!

  9. If It’s someone i am afraid of shouting at, I would say “it’s ok. its just tea”. But if it’s someone whom i can take liberties with, I would shout at them. for eg. if it’s my mom, I shall at least show my annoyance, but if the person happens to be my mother-in-law, i would say it’s ok. Its not your fault 🙂

  10. Program Error: Tea Spill
    Algorithm Steps:
    1. Smile and forgive
    2. Go and wash the dirt

  11. Wha!!!!!! this actually happend to me in the last year’s Amma’s public programe in Mumbai! 4 o’clock tea time i was standing with a cup of hot tea and somebody hit me by mistake and all the hot tea fell in my pure white uniform sari which was little costly also. Normally certainly immediately i will get angry and shout at him and will ask him how by mistake you hit somebody and all. But what to do? that person was in the panchavadyam team to whom i only was invited. So i had to smile hypocratically and had say it’s all right etc. But i remember him whenever i wear that sari, but not positively…

  12. well…my first reaction wud be …’Oh No!!!’
    then i would smile and tell ‘it’s ok…no issues…’ and will wash the tea off from my clothes….[:)]

  13. I do not know what I will do – whether I will react or respond.
    I had same experience sometime back and I just responded at that time. I would like to respond to each and every situation.
    I believe, one cannot presume or predict all these. It just happens by the influence of vasanas/tendencies hidden deep within of each individual.
    Amma Sharanam

  14. No anger towards the person. I would smile and say ‘it’s ok, no probem, i will wash the tea off from my clothes. I pray to Amma to give me this attitude at all times when situation comes like this . Smile and forgive them. Awerness is required.

  15. I would probably see it as a Lila of Krishna, and laugh. I’ve had spaghetti sauce spilled on me, and I started laughing.

  16. I would probably go, “AHCK!” really loudly then smile about it as the other person tried to show how sincerely sorry they were. I would do my best to make them know I didn’t mind and then go clean up.

  17. I think I will not tell anything to the person or become angry. He may or may not tell Sorry and I will Smile..

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