Question 139:
“What is the most important pratical thing that Amma has taught you?
Please make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. “Don’t Fight” has become my new mantra, fighting can be against evil persons outside but also against everything else. And i try now to witness my emotions and anger when it appears, in order to put my consciousness on it to dissolve them quitely, day after day.
    I understood also that Enlightenment means (at least) being the master of our thoughts and mind, and that having devotion is maybe more important than trying to get Enlightenment.

  2. Patience. AMMA has set a time for things to happen in my life. I need to have patience.

  3. Selfless Service along WITH unconditional Love for ALL…
    Thank you Amma.

  4. Four pieces Amma has transmitted to me are working in tandem.
    To Allow her to release my negativity shingle by shingle, to keep asking, “What is the next right-action required here?”, to not push so hard and Resonance.
    The I AM is teaching me how to feel my soul resonate through the body, out into the vastness of space. Her white sari fluffing me up to be a brighter light bulb.
    When the resonance comes through, you can hear the ‘hum’ and the feeling of it massaging my pours as it flows out back to Mother.
    Thank you MA!

  5. “If you can’t bathe fully first thing in the morning, you should at least wash your face and hands.” it is so chilly before archana! –Washing the body also cleanses the aura, and sometimes it’s hard to get a full bath. This is very useful advice.

  6. Forget past do not think about future remain in present. This mantra has helped me lot in realizing my self. Thank you MAA. I love you my divine MAA.

  7. to love……without expectations…

  8. That this world is a dream. The moment I sleep, it disappears. The mind conjures up this world. So it is not the Truth.

  9. thanks to AMMA’S GRACE….to experience the DIVINE ONENESS present in everything….

  10. Seems like I didn’t have any practical knowledge until I met Amma. At first, AMMA taught me in real… I mean in very very real manner in the extreme practical life experience… that desire is the cause of all my miseries. From then onwards each day she has been teaching me the practical color of love, patience, compassion, mindfulness, intelligence, satvic life style, pathways of dissociation, yoga levels even up to Sachidanandam and Samaadhi!

  11. To remember my spiritual past. To fructify my desires to improve myself.

  12. To view everyone and every situation I find myself in as a gift or test from Amma. Of course my attitude makes it feel like one or the other, but to remember that everything has been sent to me by Amma for my education and to count it ultimately as a blessing.

  13. to avoid typos (at this moment)

  14. To become a ‘LOVE’ and ‘Attaching the whole world with total detachment’

  15. To be Her good obedient and virtuous child. To love Amma is to love everyone. Selfless service is to serve the people and nature around. It’s a great divine gift to have AMMA with us. We have to realize the value embedded in each moment of our life and make life a blessing. AMMA appeared in my life at the right time and leads me through the darkness of ignorance to the light of LOVE…

  16. Amma’s teachings are all equally important to me…the first thing that comes to my mind is the lesson of humility…She taught me that the language of humility is Love…another lesson is ‘the only way to change the world is change ourselves’..there are many more…each day each moment become a lesson from Her..i bow down to Thy Lotus Feet…

  17. Amma once told me, ” You should make everyone around you happy. To make another person Happy is the greatest thing to do, And that will make your Life meaningful ”
    I dont think i translated it in the right way. i hope you got the idea.

  18. Live in tune with the Nature Mother …

  19. AMMA, through Her own life taught us the following lessons :-
    1. NISHKAMA KARMA [ Serving the society – Gross Body of GOD , through our selfless actions]
    3. SAMA DHARSHANA [ Equanimity of Mind, welcoming all the experiences in life – Pain & Pleasure , Gain of Loss with a “SMILE” in the face ]
    4. Final & Important Lesson – Source of Joy / Bliss [ ANANDA ] is with in. We are the EMBODIMENTS of IMMORTAL BLISS.

  20. Patience and Selfless Love – The two important factors Amma has taught me.

  21. that the only purpose of this life is to realize God and we have to be constantly vigilant to practically align our thoughts and actions in such a way that they take us towards God and we increasingly feel closer to Amma in our hearts everyday.


  23. Currently I am going through a very bad time. Physically as well as mentally. Not able to do meditation, sing bhajans or do my japa with hope. Early morning immediately after reaching office, first thing is I put Amma’s chants (Amma’s Ashtotram, lalitha sahasranama archana). While chanting I’ll be working and forget everything else. Just praying to AMMA to show me the light.

  24. To focus on “One” and not get confused and rattled by “many”. The practical aspect of this is to take this principal in every little thing I do and interact in.

  25. To persevere, when others mock me, and to know I will succeed eventually. Amma is the engineer of great change possible in me.
    Om Amma. I am at your feet.

  26. To me it’s a step by step process. Just like starting from LKG and studying till PHD, it’s a long process. Usually, I meet Amma twice or thrice in a year. Try to be honest in this samsara loka, dutiful (as much as I can), chant Amma’s ashtotra daily and try to not to hurt anyone intentionally. Now, I am trying to practice Sakshi bhava (being a witness) in everything and I am finding it very helpful.

  27. I am surprised to read “Amma with anyone who is in need:”. Feels like that message is for me. Thank you AMMA. I have started feeling the changes in me.

  28. To lead by example, to walk the talk.

  29. i think all of Amma’s teachings are practical but i have found that two things are necessary to implement them really : Ammas grace and our unceasing effort to earn it.

  30. She has taught me to love all, no matter if they are poor, rich, sick, healthy or anything. It’s not the body. It’s the soul

  31. Every teaching of Amma is purely practical. it is the only way to live and be peaceful. Amma’s life is the supreme example of simple practicality. Love, patience, understanding, brotherhood, service, self control, introspection, alertness …Amma is the storehouse of qualities that make life simple and blissful – Amma’s way of complete oneness with everything around Her is the most practical way to live in this material world and yet be eternally blissful inside. We can only pray for Her grace to be able to see the world through Her eyes, feel through Her Heart, understand through Her discrimination to live life the way She does. May She always guide us in Her path. Jai Ma!

  32. Amma’s words and examples are easy to imbibe and understand by even an illetrate. She says for example that Gold is the one element in the ring, or water is in every waves or only water is existing. How deep is the meaning? It means that God only is the reality behind all forms… all are part of the same ONE…

  33. amma has taught me basically everything in life ..but the most practical one which i found is forgetting the past and living in the present.. it will help us a lot..and ofcourse unconditional love..

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