29 Jan 2010 Question

Q153: Dislike?

Question 153:
Sincerely: How many people do you ‘dislike’? Could they become less?
Please reflect deeply and sincerely on the matter before answering. Please make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. A couple of days I tried blessing all the people who have hurt me and therefore, somewhere I dislike them. There were so many that I was stumped. As more as more names came up in my mind I felt exhausted and thought of leaving some categories for the next day/s. Everything is possible.

  2. Even though it is a shameful thing to admit,I humbly confess at the holy feet of Amma that there are 4 people i strongly dislike. I am remembering them because the dislike I have for them bothers me. It has been that way for a long time.The wound is still there.I beg Amma to help me forgive the events that happened long time ago and remember that LOVE is the only solution. I have tried to understand and accept this, but now i place it at the lotus feet of my mother.

  3. I think anger towards anyone at any point of time is disliking him or her at that point of time. I go through such phases every now and then. Later I regret and feel bad about it. I try to pray for the people whom the mind wants to dislike. Whenever there is a sense of animosity towards anyone, I try to correct myself and say to myself that the other person is none other than the Lord himself in that form.

  4. Sincerely i try my level best not to dislike anyone and pray to Amma for the same.
    What quality do i have to judge others when i myself am not good enough?; is the thought that suddenly flashes when i’m about to dislike someone.
    When someone behaves rudely, like what Amma says, we can easily see that the behavior is for our good and is NOT without a reason. We have so much to learn in so less time.
    Again praying for someone and forgiving them in our mind is the best method. It sure does work very fast making you at peace anyway.

  5. I am writing to lay this weight down at your feet Mother…I admit there is one person that I often strongly dislike. I wake up with him every morning and go to sleep with him every night. I myself is the person that I dislike Amma…and although I am ashamed to admit that I trust in your overwhelming love and protection to take this burden of negativity from my heart. Thank you again and again Amma for loving us all so very much even if we dont love each other or even ourselves.

  6. how many, i don’t know, because i forget again quickly, but basically, i dislike people whenever they hurt my feelings, and that happens very easily, … please amma shower me with love , so that i can love and trust people with innocence and fullness

  7. Really speaking i have a personality of short temper.so it leads to enemity to so many people. I feel very sorrowful for this. But i never dislike a person. The dislikes is towards the personality of a person who is acting against my wish or when they hurt me. i used to express my dislike or react on the spot and suddenly on the spot i forget about it too.

  8. Amma says to love everyone, only then we can eliminate our ego and have wisdom, and also make this earth a heavenly place. I do often dislike people’s ways, but not them, and I know I have habits that others don’t like. The way to diminish this dislike, is by remembering Amma’s compassion towards all, that all are her children and to see oneness in many.

  9. At the moment there is one person I mostly dislike. Then there are also qualities that I dislike in persons that I like. I wish I could see only the good in everyone but I can`t! May mother`s patience be my guide.

  10. Both likes and dislikes come and go. So why bother to list them this moment? The next moment it is gone, or has converted to something else. Likes and dislikes will remain until we have gained sufficient mastery over the mind. More than disliking people, i dislike the inconsiderate actions of people (and sometimes mine too =P).

  11. I dislike not any particular person as such but the qualities which he or she has. If anyone tries to criticise me, I dislike that person. Also those who are too proud of themselves and has no compassion for others. But if the person changes I shall like the person very much. So it’s the negative qualities that I dislike, and I have them too.

  12. Sigh.. I dislike my mind and others’ minds that continuously judge and refuse to remain quiet and accept others and situations. So at any given time the dislike could be myself, the person in front of me etc. until I address the situation/emotion etc. and can let go. Many times it is hard because vasanas/habits are strong. Amma, I pray for your Grace to let go of likes/dislikes and let things be.

  13. I’ve always been good at being inclusive, at liking people for who they are. Where I’ve had trouble, specifically, is with people who cause harm, real harm, to others. I’ve gotten hung up before on the intent–the intent to cause harm was what made me angry, for people get to choose their intent. Though it’s easier to address this issue, for me, in a more general way as a whole, and in wanting to make the world as a whole a more loving place, there’s some work to loving someone who chooses a destructive way of life…

  14. nice answers!
    i guess i do not like or dislike a person, only i may like or dislike my ‘reaction’ to him/her; how i feel with him/her..
    since these ‘reactions’ are spontaneous, i cannot change them, only accept them and be aware of them, and hope that soon i can act spontaneously without re-acting, established in the Self, in love — with Amma’s grace

  15. I don’t dislike any person but when I wish something and people don’t give any value to it I feel bad.During this process I continue praying rather disliking that person because I don’t want to waste my time in liking or disliking anyone.All the relations with whom I have is God.So why should I bother if somebody likes me or not.

  16. After meeting my DIVINE AMMA who taught me the truth of self, if i dislike anyone it means i dislike myself. I have learned to be neutral, but still a long way to go to love everyone as AMMA does.

  17. I guess, I disliked many people in my life, but it was all temporary, silly, ridiculous and lame. Amma, it was you who told us that “World is the reflection of our mind”. When we dislike others, we actually dislike ourselves. What I dislike mostly now is the untamed nature of my own mind. perplexed always for sure, though satisfied that the culprit is my mind, not the World! when will be the day I could fly out of this mind to your feet? Amma, please give me a ticket for tomorrow!!!

  18. One of the prayers to the Divine Mother says “Kaama Krodhathi ShadVarga Naachanaayai Namah” – which I believe means “Oh Mother, please remove the 6 root causes of all problems – Kaama (desire), Krodha (anger), Lobha (miserliness), Moga (Greed), Matham (Fanaticism), Mathcharyam (Jealousy)”
    Our Beloved AMMA’s mere Sankalpa, a compassionate glance, a motherly touch can undo all the accumulated tendencies of all our previous births.

  19. There are a few people in my life for whom I have the feeling ” I don’t like them”, but when I look deeper, they show me something that I don’t like in myself. They give me a gift, I see a little more clearly. I think they could become less.

  20. Om Amma…i dislike myself for my ‘MOHA’ towards the relationship. i always pray and beg my AMMA to forgive me, save me and drag me out of all these bondages and kindly lead me towards the Light which is Herself…Om Ma Amriteshwari

  21. 3. There are 3 people that i can say i “dislike”. why do i dislike them? because i felt hurt by them in some way. emotionally/ psychologically, repeatedly. they made me mad and/or uncomfortable. then i would think about them and how much i didn’t like them. in reality, i disliked the way they acted towards me. i can forgive them, in fact, i do forgive them, i don’t want to hold onto feelings of dislike

  22. I dislike only the behavior of people but not the people.I easily forgive people whatever they do to me.I used to be very short temper but by AMMA’S grace it is also going away from me.I humbly pray that AMMA will always guide me towards a meaningful life.

  23. i had the chance to be admitted to a mental hospital and after i was rehabilitated i realized there were two people on the ward that i did not enjoy being friends with, even though when i was in my chronic state i did enjoy being friendly with them. the mind has its likes and dislikes, and i think until we are free of such a mind we will have our likes and dislikes, even with people.
    amma has said that people in mental hospitals are 1/2 crazy and everyone else is full crazy. i leave it to you to make your own judgements about all of this.

  24. I dislike those who take advantage of me even when I bare my good intentions with them. The present day human beings are into a set way of thinking and if you don’t conform to them, you are easily mistaken.

  25. I dislike none even-though I criticize them.

  26. I have come to realize, in working with a very talented therapist, that there are only “parts” of several persons that I don’t like. My strong reaction or dislike of them is my own disowning of those similar parts in me. They are bossy or they are controlling and are just me trying to shove my “boss” or “Parent” under the rug. I ask Amma to just help me to witness and not judge, them or myself. There is nothing worse than letting your critic take control of your life and boss you around. Amma, please help me to see with a child’s eyes, everything new and as is!

  27. I used to dislike many people including my own lovable parents. Now, I like and love all people as I grew in AMMA’s compassion.
    Dislike is due to lack of dispassion. Dispassion grows in AMMA’s compassion.
    Dislike is due to lack of strength. Strength lies in devotion to Mother.

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