1 Jul 2011 Question

Q181: Intelligence?

Question 181:

“What is your definition of “Intelligence”?”

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

Join the conversation! 18 Comments

  1. Intelligence: Efforts to know the truth about Self. Otherwise we are zero. My divine MAA is everthing we all are merged in her.

  2. Intelligence, to me, is wisdom in motion. It’s the faculty that, harnessed correctly, allows us to discriminate between right and wrong, high choices and low choices. Using our Intelligence is a spiritual responsibility, one which, when carried out sincerely and with devotion, brings us closer to God.

  3. Maybe real intelligence is not using the intellect too much… Or using the intellect only when the heart is pure… Real intelligence is this discrimination…

  4. Having all the worldly knowledge and being able to present them and apply them at any moment is intelligence.
    But wisdom is the most important thing we all need in the spiritual path to get closer to God.

  5. Nothingness…

  6. it is that faculty required to transact in the world

  7. Intelligence is internal to life. Intelligence is a natural quality of life. Just as fire is hot, and air is invisible, and water flows downwards, so is life intelligent.

    Intelligence is not an achievement; you are born intelligent. Trees are intelligent in their own way, they have enough intelligence for their own life. Birds are intelligent, so are animals. In fact, what religions mean by God is only this: that the universe is intelligent, that there is intelligence hidden everywhere. And if you have eyes to see, you can see it everywhere.

  8. I feel intelligence is all about the ability to discriminate between right and wrong and follow it up with right actions always.

  9. Intelligence is making others feel that you are intelligent even though you are not any different from them

  10. Intelligence is a road map to know right and wrong.

  11. I think “emotional intelligence” is checking with your intuition to make sure when you do or say something, it wont hurt someone in thought, word, deed (preferably benefitting others).

    Intelligence is I think remembering to do a/your heartfelt mantra constantly too!

  12. Real Intelligence can be only seen in Amma. She attaches herself to the person whom she is talking / hugging while at the same time remaining detached and in her own Self. She uses the mind whereas i get used by it. What a difference! Amma, please make me intelligent.

  13. According to Brihadharnyakopanishad (Brihath or Bruhad means vast or very vast, Aranyaka – like the forest, Upanishad – teachings or lessons learnt sitting near by Guru), all-pervading Brahman or God is “Pure Intelligence”

  14. Body, Mind and Intelligence are three important aspects in a man. I feel Intelligence is the subtlest one which helps us for descrimination. It is is intelligence that plays an important role in the unfoldment of a person in both materialistic and spiritual realm. In spirituality intelligence helps us the most for self realization.

  15. Intellect is considerd as an inner instrument which is formed from the sattvic aspect of the five elements(Panchabhuta).
    Intellegence is the product of intellect. What is the product of intellect? Thoughts only.But not mere thoughts.Thoughts in a state of decision, the resonng, observing,concluding and discriminating.
    The power of discrimination between the permanent and impermanent-that is Viveka is intelligence.
    Intelleg3ence or viveka is the capacity of the intellect to distingush,catagorise,and recognize from one thing to another.This is present even in animals. But only man can use this faculty to enquire into the relationship between the part and whole(Amsha and amshi viveka) themeans and goal(sadhana and sadhya viveka) the good and pleasant(shreya and preya viveka)the self and non self (atma and anantma viveka)eternal and ephemeral(nitya ans anityaviveka)etc.Some time the product and equipment will become one and the same according to the context.And those who have such sharp intellect, he or she will be very intelligent.

  16. Concentration that leads to proper discrimination of one’s actions (to decide what is right or wrong or what is appropriate in a given situation) which leads to awareness is that individual’s intelligence. Again this is what Amma makes me write now.

  17. Intelligence is the ability to learn and act on the goal.
    And the ultimate goal is God realization.

    So, intelligence is the ability to learn and act on the goal of God realization.

  18. when the breath falls from the head back into the heart.
    when the’me’ has become still and the Greater ‘I’ has been heard.
    true intelligence can not be gained only realized. and is more felt then thought.
    I feel.

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