12 Jul 2011 Poems

On Guru Poornima

Amma, as an infant I loved only the shining Moon,
Though the sky is vast, and it’s full of effulgent stars,
Appended for Thy children to cherish divine dreams,

As I grew young and adult, the world looked fatal,
I could see the sky only covered with misty clouds,
Lo! the habits turned my life into hellish dreams.

So long I longed to get back to my days of infancy,
To be cradled in Thy mellifluous songs of lullaby,
Yet, the torments of desires shattered me away.

Amma, Thou dost day and night for all Thy children,
Thy self-less love reminds to strive hard, not look back,
The dreadful days of despondence in the dismal world.

Mother, it’s a fervent vow that I shall reach Thy abode,
As a Divine Child who has conquered ferocious desires,
And I offer this on the Auspicious Guru Poornima Day.


Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Nice poem.nice line-“Amma your self-less love reminds to strive hard, not look back,
    The dreadful days of despondence in the dismal world”.Ammas love to all her children.om namah shivay.

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