6 Sep 2011 Question

Q186: Amma change?

Question 186:

“What do you feel is the most significant change in you since meeting Amma?”

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

Join the conversation! 52 Comments

  1. I am not able to write anything only the words come to my mind are AMMA knows everything when I have reached her she is bound to change me the only and the oly feelingI have is I love my AMMA without any boundaries

  2. I was generally a person who couldn’t relate to others emotions/problems unless I personally experienced them. But when I met AMMA, there was a deep emotion that I could feel, an overwhelming emotion from the heart and after that I could relate to others problems better and help them with those problems.

  3. Having known Amma I have got over the fear and panic that i used to have all the time .Now I live in the faith that Amma is always with me and she is always there to take care of everything. Thank you so much, Amme. I do not know what would have happened to me if Amma hadn’t beckoned me and given refuge.

  4. Removal of the fault-finding nature of the mind.
    Recovery of the innocent child-like heart.

  5. Awareness of my weakness and negativity

  6. When I look back, I see how totally identified I was with my mind the first time I met Amma. Now thanks to Amma’s Grace, I am willing to see things as a play of my mind which is a big transformation for me. Letting some things go has also been a hard lesson for me but slowly I am also learning that with Amma’s help. Another big area that Amma’s compassion has helped me is in letting go of various kinds of fear.

  7. Amma not only awakened the dormant spirituality in me, but gave me spiritual experiences through constant practice. Amma gave me a taste of bhakthi bhava…it was only a taste…wish it would remain with me forever. Amma cleaned the mind that was dwelling in all kinds of lustful thoughts…lust for objects, lust for money and so on…it pops back and forth but is never able to take roots like it did before.

  8. I have met amma 25 years before when I was just 18 years. Now looking back I am deeply indebted to Amma for the great change which has happened to me. It is the change of attitude towards the world. Earlier I was Impatient, Arrogant, Egoistic to the core. Now Amma has developed in me the vision to look at this world with a benevolant eye and has helped me to do all the activities with service mentality. My only prayer is that I should remain a humble servant of Amma.

  9. Amma provided me a helping hand that i can hold on every moment, which makes me a more courageous person. She gave me mantra, which i recites whenever i can, and it gives me great peace of mind. She pulled me away from negative thoughts, fears and bad habits. She gave hope and direction to my life, which inspired me to work harder.

    I realize that, i am leading a far better life now, both spiritually and materialistically. I feel that others love and respect me more, and i am also able to appreciate the good qualities in others more now.

  10. The feeling that me and my family have someone to hold on to no matter what happens in our lives is the biggest change for me.

  11. It was like the feel of a river joining the Ocean…. The union with ultimate truth…. once the river joins the Ocean, river does not exist anymore….It is all Ocean only…but the river is within the ocean…. It is the “Total Surrender”…. and that realisation is “Total acceptance”….. Transcending the pair of opposites…

  12. Nobody in this world and Nothing in this world gave me peace of mind. Only Amma gave me the greatest wealth and that is peace of mind. Thank You Amma for accepting me.

  13. My violent and aggressive nature has lessened since I first heard of Amma. I can now turn away from hatred and violence. I can love others who before I couldn’t imagine doing anything but hating. I feel a greater kindness towards others. All this is Amma’s grace. Love you so much my wonderful mother.

  14. The feeling of hatred and anger slowly worn away from the mind. A clarity for my vision and also able to accomadate others in my mind which was very narrow before. Before meeting Amma, I preferred to be serious and reserved but now wanted to be a joyful innocent child of Amma. Amma sharanam

  15. Infinite & unconditional love for all <3

  16. I got the conviction that the ultimate goal of life is to realize God (Amma).

  17. I was thinking that i had changed a lot. But who knows. My most beloved Amma only knows the exact changes of me.Generaly the changes are taken place in a changeless substractum.Thje rivers,the trains, the vehicles are moving in a changeless substractum of banks,railtracks, and road respectively no? Like vise i hope, little changes had taken place in me in the ever changeless substractum of my Purte SElf, in the behaviour,mental attitude, thoughts, and some decition making and the way of approch to others etc.But it is not a great achievement.If we could able to change or merge into our Guru like a river which is merging with Ocean when it joins in the Sea and lost it’s sepeprate entity, then it is a great change that we can achieve.

  18. the life for this one has been full of Love. however i did not know how to recieve it.
    until i was confonted with this at the Ashram.
    how easy i had it, yet how out of balance the state this body mind was.
    At the same time awoken to this unseen force that holds everything up.
    jai jai Amma.
    i prayed to you to open my heart, you have opened these eyes to feel the Only Heart.

  19. The biggest change in me since I met Amma was a glimpse of something that gave me a thirst for realisation.

    This is a thirst that I didn’t have before, despite knowing what self realisation was… thinking it was just something I’d wait to worry about in the next life!

    Instead, something very deep shifted in me and it changed my sight and my ideas about what love is, what God is, what life is and what we are.

    Thank you God for the incredible grace of giving us Amma.

  20. Wow! What a great question, to which the answer seems to constantly change for me. Today, in this moment, the answer welling up from within is Surrender. Thanks to You, Amma, I have what feels like a sense of unwavering inner peace that is unaffected by life circumstances. Your Presence in my waking states and in my sleeping states has allowed me to cultivate a deep reassurance that You are ever With me, Guiding me, Supporting me, and Protecting me, leaving no more room for what used to be regular visitation by Fear. Because of You, I feel I can Trust life. These are immeasurable gifts you have given to me. The only gift I can even come close to giving to You is all of me – my Love and whatever Ego remains. You gave me mantra, I give you my life, for as many lifetimes as is necessary for complete merging with You. To that end, Do with me as You will.
    I am Yours.
    Happy Birthday Beloved Amma.

  21. I know I have some changes happened over the period of years…but it is hard to tell…perhaps that itself might be a big change!!Amma knows,why should I tell…there is a limit for languages can go…let Amma please don’t forsake me! this poor kid of yours is struggling with all the changes of changing world, that flower underneath your feet, you squeezed its essence with your holyfeet and smeared all over your feet…that is me…that smell became one with your feet…that is me…that color on the big toe…that is me…please don’t wash me away from you…I won’t go…I won’t go…

    I first had darshan of AMMA in 1989 and continuing the darshan of AMMA. The darshan created in me an affinity to hear Bhajans and Divine songs with full of Higher values. For eg.Maname unakku sondham…, Sri Paadha Maahthmiyam…, Manasa vacha.. SIVA.ARUL

  23. I met Amma in the summer of 2001. Shortly thereafter, I felt “called” to seek enlightenment, as of the moment the first plane struck on September 11th, actually, from my late Uncle Felix’s spirit, though he’d been dead for nearly 5 years by then. I have tried to fulfill this calling, over the years, though I do not feel like I am fulfilling this entirely–yet. I hope to feel that way, one day.

  24. Om Namah Sivaya – I am in a state where I am in constant communion with our divine mother both the negative and positive feelings I share with her , I ask her everything from the time I get woken up by her (days when I ask her to give me the extra time to sleep), while taking bath, what to eat , what should I do for my kids, what to speak to my wife and when, whether to speak spirituality to strangers or not, I consciously know now she even controls my dreams, I know she is with me all the time 24*7 , many parts of my body guide me , there are times I am confused but I am getting better as days progress , there are times I get lost (in my conscious state) but I know whom to cry when I am lost now!
    Om Amriteswaryai Namah!

  25. AMMA is the whole world for me. I came to know about AMMA from my one of my closest friend froever. I First time met AMMA on 17th feb 2009. After meeting AMMA i iterally cried alot and SHE hugged me so tightly as AMMA knows that iam in so much pain. She kissed my cheeks and said u r my child after hearing this the changes occured in me cannot be explained…. …Thank you AMMA , Please be with me always and bless me as your daughter and I will be always in your service forever.

  26. Amma – The very difficult and the very important thing I learnt from you:
    To wither ego – though it is considered the toughest thing to do, being egoless makes our life a lot simpler.
    Amma, please be with me. I want to get rid of my ego completely.

  27. It was destined that we had to meet Amma.
    We all are always in Her Hands, in Hert Heart, in Her Thoughts- all the time.
    Whatever changes She has wrought- it is Her Will, Her Supreme Grace alone.

  28. Om Namah Shivaya!
    So many things changed. However, since knowing Amma I live with more faith than fear. I am not lonely anymore. I’m always talking with her and Whenever I am in doubt or have a problem, I think about her and it’s as if she spoke to me and told me what I should do.
    I also am more conscious when I act wrongly.
    How fortunate we are!

  29. I believe Amma is the incarnation of Goddess Lalitambika. There is a version in Lalita Sahasranama which is “Om Leela vigraha dharinai Namah” which means she always takes incarnation for the sake of the world and her children. Amma knows everything but she asks us son or daughter, what is this what is that ? etc. Amma acts as a back seat driver, but she asks us son or daughter oh, you won this that etc. Amma takes us everywhere and she asks us oh…you reached there. The meaning is that she dwells within us and when we want anything her grace will reach us at the right time, but you have to do sadhana (spiritual practice) on a daily basis. In front of Amma, all hindrances are nothing. See in Lalita Saharanama “Om Bhavadhava Sudha vrushtai Namah” which means whenever you have any material difficulty which is like wild fire and Amma put out it with the rain of amrita. I wish everybody happy and prosperity always by Amma’s grace.

  30. Om Namahshivaya
    Acceptance and Surrendering to AMMA

  31. It keeps on changing actually. At present I feel like the I ness in me has become a shadow and Amma, the real force that controls everything in this world is the main figure. Previously, it was like nothing useful existed in this whole world except my ego. Now I know how useless and troublesome this ego is. Love You, Amma. Thanks for everything.

  32. change? life is constantly changing, so it’s hard to answer.
    the answer to this question will probably change too. as my love and appreciation and devotion are constantly ‘changing’
    she gives us love, and inspiration, and the hope and the wish to be like her .. i don’t know what to answer, because i don’t remember what it was like before i met her

  33. Well, my life went upside down one more time but this time I have faith and trust in her guidance. I think I have become more humble. More responsible, more conscious. I have seen more into the nature of my identifications with belief systems within me.
    I cant even say….she is a revelation to me… through her I understand the meaning of all scriptures and wisdom that teachers teach and have been teaching through the history of the world!
    I am so thankful for her loving guidance!

  34. The peace I can find withing, but still seams to be do far away…
    Finding discipline, the love in us.
    Amma has a hug eimpact on my life. Couldn’t imagine my life without her anymore.
    Jai Ma Devi

  35. When one’s heart is full, words are few it seems.This so true, I feel, whenever I think of our belowed Amma! I dont have enough words to explain about the changes She made in me. I was like a helpless orphan before meeting Amma. But now I have Amma at every stage , every moment of my life. Amma made me confident, courageous, fearless and She is my all in all .I wish I could open my heart like Hanuman and show Amma there! Always thinking of you, yours only, Chandrikamol

  36. OM Namasivaya, I first met Amma quite accidentally,I was not aware of the existence of Amma till that crucial meeting, but that meeting changed the course of my life for good.Ever since I have been an ardent follower of Amma.There is sure some divine power with in Amma, which may be called an aura,ever lasting light or she may be taken as an avatharam
    she is born to lead us in the righteous path in life.

  37. Before I met Amma I was a recluse who lived to enjoy myself. I spent several months a year abroad doing the jet-setter thing, had my horse and my artistic pursuits, had a big lovely apartment all to myself, was self-employed and had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted, often slept til noon and worked only as much as I needed to get by. I was responsible for nothing. I had less than zero interest in a Guru although I thought spirituality was “interesting”. Now, I live in Her San Ramon Ashram where I am around lots of people all the time (to say nothing of Tour, when I work as a Greeter here at the MAC and might say ONS to a thousand people in a day). I work full-time for the AIMS Project and have many responsibilities at the Ashram besides working for this blessed project, including waking around 4:30 AM to go and open the Ashram gate before Archana. Amma changed EVERYTHING in my life. The second that I saw Her in person 6 years ago I knew that I was going to give my whole life to Her, and She has accepted it; the next step is renunciation! JAI MA 🙂

  38. A potent, urgent and ever-growing love for the earth. Each day I anchor to the core of the earth and then lock and load to the heart of universe. Then pull in straight-shot rocket-blast of source energy through the top of my head, to the center of the planet. As this massive solar wind blasts through, I let myself ripple like a sail and am transformed into something greater. A BIRD DOES NOT FLY. IT IS FLOWN.

    I’ve also received astonishing levels of discipline (I could never meditate before Amma, now I haven’t missed a day of the I AM in almost 5 years.)

  39. In the past 5 years I’ve learned to read & write Malayalam & Sanskrit, I have learned many chants,read the Bhagavad Gita & other texts and learned much about Sanatana Dharma. I have visited several temples and toured with Amma in India. I have transliterated chants online, helped people with their tattoo spellings, quit jobs to move in with people who are sick or dying to help them, learned to sing in public-in Indian languages, meditate, chant my mantra daily, and can even do salamba sirsasana!
    But the MOST SIGNIFICANT CHANGE is that I am HAPPY! Even when I am missing Amma so much that I can’t stop sobbing, I am happier than ever before! Even experiencing homelessness and hunger and bad health, I am happier…because I KNOW She is there with me…always & forever.





  41. Yes amma changed me and gave me a desire to change for better.I think that is enough.A desire to chage>

  42. Estar com Amma foi um grande presente espiritual. Senti um peso sendo tirado das minhas costas. Senti um bem estar profundo e desde então desejo no meu mais sincero coração despertar para consciência da grande mae e tornar-me uma pessoas mais amoroso e compassiva. Ser a Divina presença, onde minha palavra possa tbm carregar o canto da Grande Mãe e abençoar todas as criaturas.

  43. I now see that if I get irritated or frustrated with someone it’s like getting mad at my injured or arthritic left hand and wanting to hit it with my right hand… I’m more patient, forgiving and understanding. Also, I see that people, and roses, only blossom when the time is ripe; can’t force things too much. Many other lessons received!


  45. Contentment with what I have, courage to face all difficulties in life. Look at losses and gains with the same manobhavam.. This is what meeting AMMA has done to me..

  46. When I met Amma for the first time in 1999 in Toulon (France). Seing her, I felt immediatly: It’s all I’ve been ever searching for. After the program, I felt also: I had received all I was expecting and willing to receive, even if i was not knowing what it could be before. Nothing could be added.
    Nevertheless, many unthinkable and beautifuls expériences occured after, and also hard lessons. My mind can be melt in Amma or wandering on wordly preoccupation, but She is alway aside me taking care of me, infinetly patient and compassionated for my missing.
    And I feel deeply, till the first day, that I know Goddess appearance of God. I really know her, She came for, me, She love me She take me, without any mérit of me, as her relative, and for éternity I’m saved !
    Om Guru Kripa Kevalam ! Kripa Rakshikate.


  47. Since meeting Amma I have gained a greater and greater compassion towards those around me and myself. I have also gained a greater ability to see the negativities within me. My love and trust for God is ever increasing.

  48. I think that I have become more humble. I used to look at others and think they were beneath me as was my life and think a lot about how to change others and my life so that it would be better for me. Now I see more of my own faults which are in my hands to be able to change, with Amma’s grace and I work to change myself.

  49. With Amma in my life I don’t feel so lost any more, and I can see that my life has a sense and does make sense. I am encouraged to take my focus from the outward things, which is such a relief.

  50. BE I and see me

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