28 Apr 2008 Question

Q56: Watch TV?

Question 56:
“Do you have a TV set in your living place? How much time do you spend watching TV per day? What kind of programs do you watch most?”

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  1. Yes I do have a TV set at home . I watch musical competitions,mythological programs,AV on Amrita TV , also some of daily soaps. But I just pray to Amma that this habit be reduced to minimal. One thing,whenever am in Amritapuri,all of these daily habits are just washed off, So hoping to be in Amritapuri for lifetime.

  2. Unfortunately I often do spend (loose?) a long time watching TV. I usually follow the news and sports events. I very rarely watch movies or serials.
    What I would call a ‘spiritually useful time’ on TV would be the discovery channel documentaries on the wonders of nature and animal life, that put us in touch with God’s beautiful creation…

  3. During School days, Ramayana and Cricket were my favourites.
    Then, to focus on studies, I left my interest for Cricket.
    Now, I rarely watch TV. If at all I watch, there will be very good programs.
    Of course, youtube has many worthy videos.
    TV has become almost redundant.

  4. i dont watch TV.. I used to watch it.. long back…
    used to watch Ammayodoppam, but it started giving me strong jealous feelings.. all these people who are with Amma enjoying that presence.. i am here, sitting in front of this dumb tv and suffering with jealous …. so i stopped watching it.. yeah i know it sounds stupid… but.. its Me, my mind…My EGO …. 🙂

  5. Usually when I watch TV, I am always interested in seeing foreign channels that too, prone scenes(as in FTV, ZTV and so on). Now after Amma had started Amrita TV I cling to see only AMRITA rather than any other channels. I have taken this decision as a part of my prayer to AMMA and I could succeed in the venture. Now I don’t have that much liking for Adult certified scenes and now with AMMA’s grace I could turn off vulgar scenes even if seen in any channel. This had given me a lot of peace-in-mind.

  6. I have never in my life watched too much TV. And for the last 3 years i haven’t watched TV at all. I think this particular communicative media is used in a very manipulative way. Mostly there are not great people behind the scene thinking about how they can reach people in a awakening way. I could install TV on the internet but i haven’t done it. Thank you for asking!

  7. I gave my TV to a friend 3 or 4 year ago, my brain is not washed from it’s waves anymore, now i have a computer and i watch only what i decide to watch like Amma’s bhajans, a spiritual documentary or movie that i chose and i spend time to find them! i spend less than 2 hours a day, i don’t think i loose my time because i learn things that i can share after.

  8. what a timing of this question ! i had decided to go back home to delhi from chennai, where i am vacationing, and first thing install a dish TV for seeing and enjoying karnatic music programs. i love karnatic music, which is based on devotion to God. i feel close to amma. so i would spend more time watching these programs on TV and of course Amrita TV!

  9. Yes I do have a TV set at my place. I used to spend a lot of time watching televsion. Since last one year the tranformation in me is that I do not feel like watching television anymore, I am in front of TV whenever a spiritual serial is going on. With the grace of my beloved AMMA I am not in the grip of television any more.

  10. Since i came close to Amma, i don’t watch TV. Only if there is some guest or i have to keep company to somebody, then i just sit – least interested. If it is Amma’s CD or program, then i surely watch. Otherwise there is no set time for watching TV. But sometimes we need to watch news – only occasionally.

  11. I do have a TV at our house. I don’t watch what I call “junk programming” like cartoons or most movies. If I watch television, it’s usually on educational channels, like History, Travel, and Discovery. Occasionally I’ll watch some paranormal shows on Sci Fi, but not any of their movies or serials!!!
    And I also watch the news on a daily basis. I believe that one should be up to date on things that are happening in this world, otherwise you are hiding in ignorance. If you hide from what’s going on, how can you help it???

  12. Yes there is a TV at home.
    Since coming to AMMA i lost the interest to see T.V or movies in cinema, but Amrita channel came, so again started seeing it. Initially all spiritual programmes like krishnakripa sagaram, bharata darsanam, sandyadeepam and all were on the list. But now Ammayodoppam and Amritavarsham are only two programmes are of great interest which will never miss.That only gives real pleasure and a little relief

  13. Mercifully, I don’t have a TV. As a Mahatma commented ” Where is the Vision ” ? It is a veritable ‘Tele-Visham” (poison). But however, I am in tune with friend Swati above. I go to the nearby Ashram or a devotee’s house just to watch the Amritavarsham or Ammayodoppam episodes. At the end of the day, the glimpses of Amma gives a lot of joy and peace. By the way, may Swati’s wishes come true !

  14. I used to watch TV a lot, coz, once in a while i need to change my thought patterns or to escape from so much of Noise in my mind, for me TV was very helpful at one point of my Life, when i was going through a lot of confusion and tension… but then later i found TV as a distraction. there are so many channels and we tend to switch them very frequently. and our brain has to adjust into so many different moods in a short time.. so it was kind of a pressure… and it makes more fluctuations in thoughts.. especially if I watch TV before sleep i usually could nt sleep properly.
    the Biggest television is the Nature.. So many channels.. 🙂
    and we are also part of each episode ……………

  15. yes tv is my home, I hardly ever have time to watch it. the programs I do watch if I can is PBS ( lots of interesting programs on history, nature). internet provides basic news etc….

  16. Yes , there is tvs at home. I do watch some useful programs but also watch some movies/serials too, which I would like to cut down by Amma’s grace & mental efforts…

  17. Yes I do have a TV set at home. But, I don’t get much time to watch TV. However, I do find time or adjust my schedule to see Amma’s programmes [Amritavarsham and Ammayodoppam]. During holidays, if time permits, I do watch movies. Amma Sharanam.

  18. My favorite TV channel is Amrita TV and I do spend an average of one to two hours daily watching mainly News, Amrita varsham, Ammayodoppam, Bharatha darshanam, Udayamritam etc.. etc… and the reality shows whenever I have spare time…

  19. I have tv and I watch it too much. When Im depressed, I dont care if i watch tv.. Everytime I meet Amma there comes a time that I really ignore tv, but eventionally I turn back to my old habits. I like to watch movies and travel programs and series and documents and..

  20. I did not have regular access to television for a long time. Now that I do, I find it mostly to be a waste of time, and sometimes just terribly sad. I especially do not enjoy when the news is turned on. There are some comedy shows that make me laugh. And some of the commercials are hysterical! But there are so many other things I’d rather be doing…like checking in to see what other devotees are blogging about…

  21. I wait for the weekend Amma programmes which have English translations and other than that I do not see TV much. I was hooked to the Astha, Sanskar, God and other religious channels and watched many ‘gurujis’ and evangelists talk and sing. Sometimes, it was fun to guess which one was God Realized. Then realization came to me that Amma talks even through them. And slowly I lost interest in those channels – except to make me sleep.

  22. i used to spend (loose) 1/3 of my time in front of TV. After meeting Amma, slowly, this was reduced and finally stopped. then i was so proud about it. i thought i am a great spiritual seeker. then recently helplessly i was in front of the TV again. then i realise it is not easy to be completely away from it. but now i always avoid to sit in front of the TV.

  23. There is a cable television in the lobby of the hut I live in here in India. I walk by it 99% of the time.
    I stop and tears flow when Blessed Amma is giving satsang on AmritaTV from time to time. TV comes to me as a total waste of a precious Human Birth 99% of the time.


  25. Yes, I have a television. Mostly its for cartoons so that I can get to shower and move around without my 2 year old son following me around and crying. On Sundays the public TV station plays operas, ballet, or orchestra music. That’s a lot of fun for both me and my son. Weekdays about 1 hour per day. Weekends about 4 hours (that’s how long the operas are). Other than that it is not on. I am not home that long! I do not have cable, but one day I hope to get Amrita TV!

  26. Yes,we do have a TV set in our living room. But i prefer to sit in the puja room quietly singing AMMA’s bhajans and playing the harmonium. TV is a major source of distraction, with a few exceptional programs. I’d rather put on the music system and listen to AMMA’s soulful melodies over and over again.

  27. after three years at ASAS, kochi i’ve learnt to live without the “idiot box” (TV)….
    we don’t watch it here at the ashram hostel…all i do is read books….listen to amma’s bhajans…

  28. We have many TVs in the house, but i rarely watch TV, maybe one hour a week. When i do watch TV, i either choose some interesting documentary or some fantasy movie.

  29. if i am not tired, i do not watch tv. prefer reading, writing mantra etc…
    if i am tired, i watch tv for 30 minutes then i realize how silly it is so i go back to reading, writing mantra …. 🙂

  30. I don’t see TV that much. Sometimes a good malayalam movie with good themes. Before I used to see the Astha and Samskar channels. Nowadays there is no time at all. But i never fail to see the Amrita chanel from 6’clock to 9’clock every morning and amritavarsham programes on Sat and Sun.

  31. Yes there is a TV at home.I don’t see TV that much.i am watching amma’s DVD’s in my TV and evening news some time.

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