24 May 2012 Question

Q207: One Quality?

Question 207:

Amma says: “Pick just one (any) quality/virtue and follow it with utmost faith and optimism; other qualities will automatically follow.
How do you understand this?

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. Develop the quality of always being immersed in God, always be keen in wanting to become one with Him and have faith.This will,not only,lead to the birth of good qualities such as unconditional love and compassion for others and selfless attitude,but also hatred, egotism, bad habits such as consumption of alcohol & cigarettes, speaking ill of others, dirty thoughts-all will automatically disappear!

  2. Amma’s practical spiritual teachings and advice are much more powerful and useful than any spiritual books or writings!!
    She knows human’s inner structure so well and gives simple advice that are so profound and so efficient. Why use the mind again and again and generate more complications? Simply practice one positive quality, ANY positive quality… and if this is done with sincerity, the positive energy that is created will invite all the other qualities and virtues to come on their own!! Beautiful! All we need now is… to practice this! 🙂

  3. if the one quality is “shradda” (awareness) – then it means you are more aware of using time wisely to: chant mantra constantly, do selfless service and do work well. It means having more awareness to treat everything with love in thought word deed, and doing a forgiveness practice at end of day. All of that can likely help you reach the Goal

  4. If given a choice, i would try to develop total faith in my Guru, AMMA.This faith would instil love in my heart. A heart where love abides would naturally develop empathy and consideration for others. Selfless service would follow. Immersed in service, one would be able to get rid of the negativities of the mind.Thus, the virtue of faith would be followed by other virtues.

  5. When the quality of our choice starts blossoming in our heart it will draw our attention to others imperfections. Slowly we develop a taste and a natural drive for more perfection and then we build the stamina to pursue it.. Or is it the other way around: perfection comes helping and reaching out to us spurred by ones sincerity and karma?

  6. The feeling in the body generated by good qualities is the feeling of Love. To feel this more and more is to surrender to ‘Love’, to surrender to Amma. This feeling is the Greatest feeling to live with and by.

  7. If we hold on to one good quality uncomprimising, come what may, then it is sure to lead us to our goal. Often times, we compromise when situation demands and this dilution will only foster our ignorance further..let us pray to our Divine Mother to give us the strength to hold on steadfast in this path..Aum Amma

  8. All our attitudes and actions are interconnected. Hence any one quality or virtue, if it is enhanced and developed, surely it influences other attributes also. Such influences nevertheless are very subtle, and need to be understood in detail. The guidance of a Maha-Guru like Amma, will definitely help us.

  9. The quality of oneness.Means try to feel existence of Truth (lord) in all.Adwaida bhavam .

  10. My darling AMMA by this wants to convey that decide an aim for you and then just immerse yourself in attempting to get our aim with only and only remembering GOD to grace you in finalization of our aim

  11. Suppose one decides that he will always tell only the truth. To say always the truth, may harm him or cause loses. So he will become fearless and unselfish, to keep his honesty. Being fearless and unselfish, he starts loving everyone the same way he loves himself, whether they are good or bad. If he doesn’t differentiate himself from others, his ego vanishes. Once his ego vanishes, he becomes one with God.

    How easy ! Amma is really intelligent 🙂

    Love IS Love. Dharma IS Dharma. and THAT IS THAT!…
    So… Tat’s what Tat Is!…
    All Love… Amma Is Home!

  13. Only one quality that can include all other qualities are the devotion towards the lord that is in you all.{In Sabarimala it is written in the front ‘Thathvamasi’which means inside you [In simple words].If you have fear in the lord then it is beginning of wisdom,the quote is from Malabar Christian College

  14. Pick just one quality, of course, childlike innocence.
    Follow it with utmost faith and optimism[[ Also called Sraddha]]
    All other qualities automatically follow.

    That’s it. Sraddhavaan Labhathe Jnanam.

  15. If we pick one virtue and start following it strictly with utmost confidence and discipline, then our awareness or conscious increases towards following that virtue and in the way, we develop awareness and start self evaluation in the process and start to meditate. Our sweet Amma is really taking care of us and always asks us to develop this through her sweet advice. Amma….

  16. Since all good qualities are Divine; by just picking up one quality, we are yoked to Divinity and all other divine qualities fill-in.

  17. Not a single good quality is independent. All qualities/ virtues are dependent on each other with positive association. That’s why when you pick any one quality/virtue and follow it full heartily automatically other qualities will follow.

  18. Looking into the garden of our lives, we can see the goodness that already naturally grows. Every garden has fragrant flowers. Turn within, discover and cultivate. The flowers and fragrance will overflow.

  19. All virtue are not independent or separate from each other. They are all a certain manifestation of the divine, which is one. When you cultivate one quality, you let divinity become more manifested and this process nourishes the other good qualities. When you plant seeds and take care of them, if there is divine grace, they will sprout. And then, the other unknown plants will also come out because they are in the same field that you nurture with water, fertilizer, and attention.

  20. attitude make other quality with love go aligned.

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